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The Mexican lavender has popped back in the front yard. Hurrah!

When the Daddy and the Mama bought their house a long time ago, it wasn't completely finished so the builders let us choose the colors for the rooms. I chose purple for my bedroom, my own four walls with a door. No more more sharing with the Only and Older Brother. That was a pretty good luxury for an almost 10-year-old and for the parents, too. So I think.

In the end, the painters mixed up the Parents' and my choices. They got a muted purple bedroom, while I got a bright yellow one.  Both the Mama and I were bummed, but we sucked it up. C'est la vie.

It was just as well that I didn't get my choice. The color yellow, color experts say, is great for nurturing joyfulness and stimulating intelligence and mental somersaults (perfect for growing minds), while the color purple is good for promoting deep thoughts and spirituality. Once I moved into puberty, I became a rather surly, mopey girl too serious for her own good. Thank goodness for yellow walls (and books).

When I turned 17, I painted the walls white. Boring! I was in a poetry stage, so I illustrated one of my angsty teenage poems on the south wall. Something to do about a gnu who is invited to a party but his cousins, the wildebeests, ignore him because he acts and thinks differently from them. Yeah, it was a good thing I didn't have purple walls when I was a kid.


  1. I like purple but I don't think I'd want too much of it in a bedroom. Yellow is what I call a happy colour, even when the sun isn't shining it still makes things look bright. When I was a kid I was always told that I mustn't write or draw on the walls - my dad made me a big double-sided blackboard for that - but whenever a room was going to be decorated I was allowed to write or draw as much as I wanted until the paper came off :)

    1. Me, too, not to draw or write on walls. And I was good until that day I decided to draw the mural. Surprisingly, neither of the parents said a a thing. I realize today how they encouraged my need to express my creativity.

  2. Replies
    1. They look like they wear tall hats similar to what marching band members wears.

  3. I love purple and I think. Light lavender would have been good but I did hear purple can be a downer when it is on the walls. Yellow is sunshine and when you were a teen, it probably was good. It’s funny because my best friend has a daughter who is 17 and her daughter grunts, has no patience, rolls her eyes...I call this the a-hole stage:) I was one of those at that time

    1. Oh, gosh, was I an a-hole! I may have not been in public, but at home. Jeez. I don't know what I would do if I had a teenager for a kid like myself. lol

  4. When we finally built a house with inner walls my only paint request was blackboard paint. Didn't happen. Off-white was the order of the day. Ever since I've been out on my own I've always had a big sheet of plywood/pressboard/whatever I could scrounge painted with blackboard paint. :)

    1. So cool! I've been thinking about doing that to one of the wall so we could have something to draw and scribble as we pondered by it.

    2. Give it a try. If it doesn't work out, you can always paint over it. Mrs Widds and I leave each other messages, interesting quotes we come across, and shopping list items. :D

  5. Oh, I love purple! The closest I came to that were lavender walls during my internship year (we were so lucky that year -each of the interns had a whole office for themselves). Amongst each other we nicknamed it the purple palace:) Had to laugh about your story. You're so entertaining!

    1. Thanks, Jesh. :-) I like using a purple pencil for editing.


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