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Onward and Upward!

The Husband is down with a virus so it was not a good rest for us last night. Cough, cough. Toss, turn. You know the drill. He'll be fine, we think positively. Leftover garlicky ginger chicken soup was turned into a pot of garlicky ginger tomato soup this morning, which shall be good for a couple of days before he tires of that kind of soup. He's already on his way to losing weight for the 20-pound loss goal we each set on Christmas day (our present to ourselves) by the end of May.

So. Here we are, the end of the year.

An outrageous year for our nation, leaderless. Executive actions and congressional duplicity turning us down the path of darkness rather than so-called greatness. I want to think that we've reached the bottom and it's only up now. A lot of us have no problem standing up against harassment, intimidation, lies, misconceptions, ignorance, and down-right bullying.

The personal score: A hysterectomy took away the cancer no one was really sure was there. The knees are still without a substitute for a lack of cartilage, yet turn on the dance music, what pain?  A neighbor from my young days, a cousin's wife, a friend's sister, and the first and late Husband's son all are now soaring in peace and joy throughout the universe. A celebration of 21 years of marriage. Fun times with old and new friends. Molly the Cat purring every day. The Mama's house becoming more our home. Missing the Mama, ah, but the Mama stories we tell each other bring us smiles and, yes, laughter.

Onward and upward into the new year we go. May it be one of good health, love, joy, peace, and common sense for us all.

Today I'm linking up with All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks by Jesh StG. Thank you kindly, Jesh. :-)


  1. Scaling a wall like this one still looks scary to me, even though I've seen it many times in Yosemite Nat. Park! Phew, how brave to lose weight by Christmas with all the temptations of food around! Did you see the persimmons? I added them for the photo, but too good to hang them as an ornament!! One of my neighbors - a vietnam vet - commented, "Those "red"(orange) things ...they're good!"
    Can imagine some of your mama's character still shines through in this time of year! Have a great New Year, Susie:)

    1. Jesh, yup, I saw the persimmons. So cool. The persimmons high on the tree hang like persimmons, slowly being eaten by the birds, which they're welcome to. :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Adam! A year's worth of happiness to you, too!

  3. Is that you on the side of that cliff? Crazy!! It is sad when people we know and love venture through that door to the unknown but that is all it is...unknown. I am thankful that my mom is still with me physically. I look forward to reading your blog, seeing your pictures and your artwork. Happy New Year to you and hubby and hope he gets better very soon.

    1. Happy New Year, Birgit! I wish that was me. That young woman and her friends were rock climbing in Pinnacles National Park, which is in our backyard. Hurrah! I've only done rock climbing once, a long, long time ago. I loved it!

  4. Just back online after weathering a nasty ice storm that knocked out power for most of our region ... Happy New Year!!! :)

    1. Happy New Year, Widders! Wowza about the ice storm. That's an experience foreign to me, thank goodness. Even during the Loma Prieta Earthquake in 1989 our power stayed on.

    2. Thankfully we had our 3-day emergency fuel supplies to fall back on, but we're increasing it to 6 days after this, 'cos we were down for almost 4, but 15 cm (6") of snow, and frozen trees falling, downed power lines and black ice made the prospect of going out rather unattractive.

  5. It has not been a good year for us - too many funerals
    But we are looking forward with hope for 2018
    Happy New Year!

  6. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Your positive attitude is an inspiration! My oldest sister lost her husband on Good Friday 2017, and my matron of honor lost her husband on December 10. Sadly, we have concluded that we are entering an era of funerals rather than weddings. I hope I have more cheer to offer in 2018!

    1. Big hugs to you, Angie. I've thought the same thing about funerals since the Mama soared into the heavens last year. Although there is sadness there is also joy.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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