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Nothing Like Reading a Good Book

Molly the Cat rubs her face from front cover to back cover of Under a Tuscan Sun, by Frances Mayes, rather than just one edge of the book. That's how much she is enjoys Mayes' memoir, too.  I'm taking my time with it, savoring a section or two with breakfast. I may have mentioned this before: Mayes has been inspiring me to turn the Mama's house into our home.

Since the Mama's spirit soared into the universe last year, I have been reading a lot. The last time I lost myself in the virtual reality of novels, memoirs, and nonfiction was during my school daze. I read so much back then, the Mama would sometimes say to me, "You read too much. You're going to hurt yourself. Go outside."

Today I've got it somewhat balanced. I read and I go outside. Sometimes, I read outside.


  1. I have not read the book although I’d like to but I have seen the movie which is one of my favs. Molly has great taste. I think it is time to make this house you’re home An day I love the backyard with the ornaments

    1. I finished the book yesterday afternoon, yaaay! The movie took the essence of the book, as well as based characters on a few real lives ones that Mayes wrote about. But you won't find the movie's story line in her memoir. I still like the movie.

  2. My training messed up my love for reading a book leisurely big time! Ninety percent of the books I read now are "how to..." Thank you for visiting me last week! Have hardly even opened up my computer, so I hope I can get back into it. Wishing you are great new beginning in the New Year:)
    Oh, don't forget to look at the All Seasons - you'll see/read something that (hopefully) will make you at least smile! Also a wonderful New Year's eve, Susie!

    1. Except for mysteries, cookbooks, and children's books, I went 30+ years not reading novels. These past two years, many of the novels I read fit into what I was/am going through. Amazing how that happened/is happening.

  3. I love to read! And I like the idea of you turning it into YOUR home!

  4. Heh, heh, heh ... reading outside is the most perfect-est solution. :)

    1. I'm already thinking about hauling out a comfy couch come summer.


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