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The Start of an Indoor Jungle

A long time ago when I was a young single thing living in the City, one of the things I enjoyed was creating a jungle in my apartment. On Sunday mornings, my church was the house plant section of Cost Plus down by Fisherman's Wharf. Wandering around philodendrons, umbrella trees, and ficus plants, oh my. Pothos, rubber plants, and ivies, such oxygen heaven. I didn't always go home with plants, but when I did it was with the small ones that cost less than two bucks each. With houseplants you can get a lot with a very slim pocketbook.

Now and then the Mama gave me a houseplant to take home after a weekend visit. I don't know how many times she sent me home with a ti plant. "They're good luck," she said. The ti plants never made it, which I realize now is because I lived in very cold apartments. I wore a heavy sweater or snuggled under blankets and pillows rather than turn on inefficient wall heaters.

Once, sometimes twice, a year, I would repot and propagate those plants that needed them. Over time, my indoor jungle grew and grew.

When I met the Husband, I was happy to see that his apartment was a jungle, too. Yes, indeed, our first home together was a wonderland full of houseplants and books.

About 21 years later, we still have a few descendants of our joint jungle. In the last 14 years, many of the houseplants got destroyed by ants, and some by me forgetting to water them. 

The last few months, my desire to have an indoor jungle has awakened again. I'm remembering that Tuesday is the water day. As for the ants, I'm hoping upon hope they don't find their way indoors ever again. The other day, while at the hardware store, I purchased two small houseplants that already had offshoots which means we now have five new ones. Hurrah!

I'm sharing at All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh of Artworks from Jesh StG. Check out the other bloggers by clicking here.

It's day 11 of my quest to complete 365 days of Talking Story, my personal challenge. Yaaay!


  1. Indoor Jungle? I would really like that . . . hmmmm.

  2. I've never been one for indoor plants myself. Or outdoor plants. I don't have a green thumb...

  3. I often take a cutting and stick it into water. Some root, some don't. Good luck with your jungle; if we lived closer, I'd give you plants.

  4. I LIKE indoor jungles!! Didn't grow up with it, but the older become, the more I enjoy it:) It's great ti share some indoor greenery in the city with All Seasons. That your jungle may grow abundantly:)

    1. Molly the Cat is getting used to sharing her table with the plants. lol

  5. I like indoor jungles as long as they are contained and tidy - one lady I knew had a conservatory full of plants, they were everywhere and just looked a total mess. I currently have an aloe vera plant which a friend gave me as a small cutting, it's now grown to the stage of needing to be repotted so I must do that soon.

    1. Fortunately we don't have that many windows so the jungle will be contained to only certain places in the house.

  6. We have quite a few indoor plants too. The house would feel empty without them. :)

  7. Neat. I have a few plants. I realized that sometimes the soil gathers mold so I limit watering.

  8. Suddenly, there is an indoor jungle...
    Good for us!

  9. I had no idea ants could do this damage to plants but I am not good with plants. Glad to hear that you are creating an inner jungle

    1. When ants sought to make a new nest in a potted plant, I took the plant outside and flushed the ants out with water. This usually happened during the cold and wet season so the plant would freeze its butt because I wouldn't bring it back inside right away.It was just sad.


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