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Sizzle, Sizzle. Sizzle.

Yesterday I fried chicken for the Husband's and my main meal, which some may consider a very late lunch or a rather early dinner. I've been wanting to taste fried chicken for the last several days.

Fried chicken is one of my comfort foods. Nibble, nibble.

The best fried chicken I've ever eaten was cooked by the Daddy, perfectly crisp on the outside and moist inside. It has been over 35 years since I ate the Daddy's fried chicken.

Recently I decided it's not worth buying already-made fried chicken from any of the options in our town. It's too disappointing. Too greasy. Too dry. Too salty. And so forth and so on.

So, this Missus Lady (as Molly the Cat calls me) cut chicken thighs into bite-size chunks; shook them in a bag of flour, paprika, turmeric, mustard power, garlic powder, black powder, and salt; and fried them in olive oil. Sizzle, sizzle. 

The result was quite tasty. Nibble, nibble.

The best part about eating fried chicken yesterday was remembering how I liked to watch the Daddy make fried chicken. Sizzle, sizzle.

Starting today, I'm posting daily for the next 365 days. I'm hoping to re-discover my voice. La, la, la, la. 


  1. The chicken looks and sounds delicious. Good luck finding your voice!!

    1. It was yummylicious and far easier and quick as a wink to make than I thought it would be.

  2. The fried chicken sounds really good, I could just eat some now even if it is only 8.30am :)

    1. Now and then I make lunch and dinner for breakfast. :-)

  3. Congrats on the 365 challenge and your goal -- (though I must say I have never thought of you as having lost your voice). Sweet memories of your dad... and your recipe sounds great (cooking a whole chicken -- in any way -- is a little much for two people). We like eating late lunch/early dinner too... it works for us. We need a word like 'brunch' for combining the two meals, but 'linner' just sounds silly!

    1. Thanks, Sallie. I'm glad you think my voice is there. When it comes down to it, I'm going through a phase of uncertainty, putting up blocks and such when it comes to writing. Maybe I'm all written out. Neh. I don't think I've even begun to scratch the surface.

      How about combining dinner and supper for dipper! No. lunch and dinner = lunner? dunch? No, no.

  4. That looks good enough to eat right through my monitor! :D

    1. Cool! If only we could do that. No calories, but yummy satisfaction.

  5. Oooh that looks yummy! The photo is so perfect. Plus you had a story to tell and I truly love that.

  6. This looks so yummy! I bet it tastes great

    1. It was! Today or tomorrow I'm going to make chicken wings. I'm thinking of boiling them first, then broiling them in BBQ sauce.


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