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Viewing the Solar Eclipse

I woke up to a heavy fog cover this morning. If I didn't know better, I would've said no eclipse for us today.

I knew better.

About 15 minutes before the total eclipse, I put on my sunglasses, grabbed a stool, and went out to sit on the driveway. Molly the Cat followed me out the door but she swerved to the right to stare at the pine cone covered with spider web nudged in the fence.

The Husband came out seconds later. "You aren't going to see anything."

"Sure I will."

He went back into the house only to return with a cup of coffee for me.  Such a guy!

"Where are the cards?" I asked. He had pricked 3x5 cards for us to view the eclipse.

"You're not going to see anything."

"You don't know that."

He sighed. Still, he went inside and fetched the cards.

While he was gone, I looked up into the sky. It sure seemed like I could see the outline of the sun through the fog cover. For sure, the sky was getting darker. The Husband commented that it had been darker when he noticed how much brighter the sky was 20 minutes or so after the fact.

I hope people who drove eight to 10 hours up to Oregon to see the totality of the eclipse were not disappointed.

I wasn't. I enjoyed sitting on my stool on the driveway imagining the total eclipse as I peeped through the pin holes in the Husband's prepared eclipse viewing 3x5 cards.

The next total solar eclipse to be visible in our neck of the woods will be August 12, 2045. Let's see, knock on wood, I shall be eight years shy of a 100. Whooo-hooo!

I'm sharing my silly post at ALL SEASONS, a meme hosted weekly by Jesh at Artworks from JeshStG. Click here to check it out.

P.S. The photo of me is by the Husband.


  1. YOU are bright enough to light the world all around . . .when you need to stay away for a little while - the lack of light is discernible . . . You are simply magnificent. (100? Piece of cake . . saying that - lets enjoy sweet treats August 12, 2045 . . I'm excited already.)
    love & love, -g-

    1. One light to another, G! Was St. Louis on the path of the totality? Hope you got sight of the eclipse.

  2. I just stayed indoors working but it looked like it was going to rain. This is how the eclipse looked to me. I'll see it on tv and that's aok with me.

    1. I've seen some pretty cool photos of the eclipse, which, of course, makes me want to see one in person now.

  3. This sounds so totally like you, lol!And thank you for sharing your adventure to see the eclipse with All Seasons!
    Believe or not, it was cloudy the whole day till sunset! In the afternoon after 3 pm it became colder, darker, and then it started raining very lightly!No eclipse see here, but am still okay because I was painting! Have a lovely week:)

    1. Oooh, rain. Lucky you. I felt a bit of moisture. I figured that was the fog. Today was a beautiful blue day, perfect for eclipse viewing. Oh well.

  4. Replies
    1. I have yet to see it on TV or youtube. I don't know if I will. I do like looking at the photos though.

  5. We saw it! We drove an hour and a half to get in the path of totality and we had a perfect spot and a perfect day. I'm glad you could see it and loved it! Yay. (But then you do have a chance to see the next one ;>)... gotta' admit it was definitely my last.

    1. I didn't see anything because of the fog. I'm glad you did though. I hope I'll make it to 92. Knock on wood. But, if not, I'm sure that as I soar through the universe, I'll be seeing eclipses by the million. :-)

    2. I bet you will see the next one -- and, if you count soaring, I will too.

  6. Mrs Widds were out on our front lawn with chairs and cuppas and out bits of card too. I think my expectations were a bit high for our predicted 85%-er. I was expecting more shadow effects, but the drop in temperature was most startling. :)


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