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Watching the Grass Grow

We've been having a wonderful winter of rain. The rainfall during the last couple of weeks has been like it used to be with flooding creeks, roads, and streets. It's possible the powers-that-be will say the drought is over in our area. Still, we shall need to continue to conserve water because our local population is growing due to the hundreds of houses being built.

I seem to want to work out in the garden just at it starts raining. All that means is I go outside while it's just a light drizzle to deadhead flowers and snap off jade branches killed by the frost.

Our front lawn has come back. With a vengeance, I think. The Husband says the grass is thick because he hasn't cut it. Not once since it started coming back. I'm fine with that. Actually, I'm curious to see how tall the grass can grow before I pull some out in a month or so when it's best to sprinkle pixie dust and wildflower seeds.

I took the above photo yesterday. Below is how the lawn looked in previous months. Giggle.

November 2016

September 2016

May 2016

I'm linking up with All Seasons today. It's a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from JeshStG. Click here to check out the other participants and/or to join the fun.


  1. I love how the lawn has changed over the months, and it's certainly looking very lush and green since the recent rainfall. I love your pink house too - over here in the county of Norfolk there are many houses and cottages painted a certain shade of pink and it's known (unsurprisingly) as Norfolk Pink, but if you cross the border into the next county of Suffolk the same colour is called Suffolk Pink :)

    1. Thanks, Eunice. Once it's the right time, I'll sow wildflower seeds here and there. I think I shall call the color of our house Trieste Pink. (Trieste is the name of our street.)

  2. Wow, your lawn really needed the days of soaking! How excited your Mama would have been:):) Thank you so much for sharing this lovely view with ALL SEASONS!
    The last days rain and snow keep taking turns. At this moment the snow has won. Really hope it's not going over to ice at night, because we have some steep ascents and descends to make before getting to the main road!! Wishing you a great week!

    1. Our original plan was to take out the lawn completely, but we didn't feel like paying for someone to do it. So, the idea became take it out little by little. I realize now that where ever I plant, and where ever the fallen leaves rot, the lawn will come back. That's okay. I can adapt.

  3. Replies
    1. That's one way of describing it. Some neighbors may call it otherwise. lol

  4. Your mom is up in heaven and is making sure it is raining so her garden will thrive.

  5. What a transformation! It looks nice and green now.

  6. That's what I call a transformation!

  7. I totally understand. Winter is the dry season in Florida and my grass is gone. In late spring rain will come and it will grow like crazy all summer.

    1. For a moment I thought you lived in Australia where the seasons are vice-versa to us. :-)


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