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Yummy Pumpkin Bibingka

"I'm going to make bibingka," I said on Christmas morning.

"Do you know how to make bibingka?" asked the Husband. 

The Husband forgot that I've baked this Filipino dessert a few times before. Of course it was easy for him to forget since the Mama liked to make this cake treat nearly every Christmas and for any day she deemed special.  I don't know if I'll carry on the Mama's annual holiday tradition. It simply felt good to have some kind of warm sweetness enveloping the house on Christmas morning.

The tradition I will carry on is the Mama's like to experiment with recipes. I read a recipe for pumpkin mochi which I thought would translate quite well into pumpkin bibingka. Both recipes use sweet rice flour rather than wheat flour. Instead of condensed milk, I used a combination of coconut milk and lactose-free whole milk. I'd give you the recipe but I modified it as I was going and you know how that goes.

The result turned out pretty yummy. Not too sweet since I cut the sugar by a third.  I was surprised that the pudding-texture of the cake came out almost like the Mama's, which means I may have approximated the secret ratio of liquid to dry ingredients that the Mama used. Nearly every Filipino woman has her own unique take on bibingka once she has mastered the basic recipe.

"It's like pumpkin pie without the crust," said the Husband.

I think the Mama would've liked it, too.

Y is the letter for this week's ABC Wednesday, a weekly meme that has been around for 10 years. Thank you, ABCW team!  Want to join or check out the participants? Then click here.


  1. never heard of before, so never tasted as well ... but it seems delicious... bon apetit ;-)

    Wishing you a magnificent New Year
    Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)

  2. Replies
    1. I have yet to taste a halo halo that didn't make me shudder. :-)

  3. Never knew about the dish but it does look yummy which has 2 Ys for the week:)
    Thank you Susie:)

    1. Took me awhile to figure where the second y was. lol

  4. Interesting ...never baked with rice flour - is it in a "normal" grocery store? Am always up for trying out new things:) Hope your Christmas was not to hard. Remind yourself, it will get better with time to have your Momma not there:) Have a beautiful week!
    Oh, before I forget, please link this or another of your photos for this week of Seasons (link is open all week, yay!)

    1. Sure, look in the Asian section for a white box called Mochiko, which is a Japanese product.
      Thanks, Jesh, for your kind words. The Husband and I decided to not do the usual holiday stuff this year. It was peaceful.

  5. It does look yummy!
    Happy New year!

    1. next time I'm going to try sweet potato or sweet red beans. :-)

  6. This does sound yummy....Merry Belated Christmas and have a great New Year!

  7. It looks yummy! Can you write recipe, please? I like trying sth new. It 's very interesting! Happy New Year.

    1. Klara, I adapted this recipe. I used 1 1/2 sticks of butter rather than 2 sticks. Sugar -between 2/3 and 3/4 cup. 1 can coconut milk + 1.5 cans milk. If you like a spicy taste, be more generous with the spice than they say.

    2. Thank you for the website and your advice. That's very kind od you. Have a good weekend.

  8. You're welcome, I would like friends to support me in the same way:)

    Susie - you probably forgot -THIS week it's like last week - the link is still open till sometime on Saturday:):) So you can still add this photo.

  9. I think that it is very nice to carry on a tradition, especially this time it's the first year without her.

  10. In spite of the fact that you must miss your mum terribly, I hope that you can celebrate the returning of the light!

  11. Your pumpkin goodies looks delicious and I love pumpkin and besides it is suppose to be good for you ~ Know that your mama is 'watching over you' ~ xox

    Wishing you a Happy, Healthy New Year ~ ^_^

  12. I've never seen the word before - looks good


    1. Bibingka. It sounds like a magical word that the fairies in Cinderella might say.

  13. Happy New Year to you and the Mister! Good to see you here. I heard from Jenny Matlock at Christmastime. I was worried because I keep sending letters and cards and finally heard from her. Still suffering, no answers, but she is a kind heart so she puts up a very brave front. I wish someone would help her. She is a good lady. I love that you are carrying on your mama's tradition. Looks delicious and I can smell the wonderful smell of it from all the way here in Colorado! You take care and I must come over more often. More later. Take care my friend. xo

    1. Happy New Year, Anne! Thanks for the update on Jenny. I'm sorry to hear that no cure has been found for her yet. Maybe this year.

  14. Hi Suste,
    I could haw sworn that I had commented on this post, I must have
    visited, then become distracted. I like the sound of your Mama's pie,
    I;m sure the delicious aroma would have permeated up to her heavenly
    resting place.
    It's good to carry on traditions although sometimes nostalgia invariably
    makes one sad but it passes in time,
    I hope you and The husband and Molly had a good Christmas,
    Happy New Year.
    love and hugs,
    ABCW team.

    1. Happy New Year, Di! I'm glad the the Mama wasn't a stickler for me doing her traditions. I think she would've been pleasantly surprised that I did make this dessert for Christmas. I also made lumpia -- the Filipino version of Chinese eggroll. The Husband and I feasted on that during Christmas day. :-)


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