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Nature is uplifting. Full of grace. Unconditional love.

This photo (my favorite this week) is my contribution to Friday's Hunt hosted by Teresa at Eden Hills.  Her weekly meme asks participants to share photos to three prompts.  The prompts this week are:  1) Starts with U  2) Week's Favorite  3) Nature

To join in (it's open until Sunday evening) and/or to check out other participants, click here.


  1. Beautiful scene! and well done with the prompts. Have an awesome weekend, Susie. You make me laugh about your interpretations about my images, you have a big imagination! Ever thought about teaching? You could really guide them in creative ways:)

    1. Thanks, Jesh. Once upon a time I was a teacher. I earned my single-subject credential. My goal was to become a counselor or curriculum developer. As it turned out, there were no teaching jobs at the time and after a couple of years teaching in community settings, I got an editor's job with a special ed publisher.

  2. Beautiful scene that you captured and I love your response...full of grace and uplifting...unconditional love.

  3. Replies
    1. Totally! I was lucky to have the iPad out when we drove by. The husband was driving.

  4. That is a wonderful scene - the dark clouds are not obliterating the warm sun filling over the land. Nature's beauty can never be underestimated!

  5. Those travelling patches of sunlight underneath the clouds are just magical. :)

  6. Welcoming - Peace Filled View - oooooh, nice.

  7. My mouth is still open I just imagine to see this picture in real !! Stunning, gorgeous !!

  8. Such a peaceful and calming photograph - a great choice for this week's prompts!

  9. Beautiful shot. Nature truly is uplifting. Thank you for sharing the beauty. Thank you so much for joining Friday's Hunt. Hope you have a great week!

  10. Oh wow! Fantastic shot! It reminds me of paintings done by Bierstadt

    1. Thanks, Birgit! I looked up Bierstadt. Wowza! His paintings are breathtaking.

  11. Very pretty, Suzie. I think I played golf there, way back when. It was north of San Francisco.


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