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Friday's Hunt v2.18

The cues: 1) Starts with R   2) Week's favorite   3) Black and/or orange

Raindrops grace a bare rose plant in the front yard. Leaves turn color on it, too.  Click.

That's my favorite shot to share in this week's Friday's Hunt, hosted by Teresa at Eden Hills. Click here to see what other participants have posted. 


  1. Seasons Changing . . for sure.
    You sure take great pictures.

  2. A wonderful shots and you managed all the 'asks' in one shot

    1. Thanks, Margaret. That's my challenge for this meme.

  3. Gorgeous photo, I just love the colours :)

    Incidentally, I've recently started a new blog - - it's early days yet but do pop over if you have time and let me know what you think :)

  4. This is a stunning photo..really love it!

  5. We both had a rose picture this week! :)

  6. O Goodness, Susie, I had forgotten that roses turn color and then lose leaves for winter. They stay green and blooming all winter long here unless there is a heavy frost. Not last year, "Climate Change" for sure.
    Sorry I'm late coming here. I missed Teresa's 7PM cutoff because we were still traveling from Louisiana, coming back to Houston (Katy), Texas. We have been visiting a cousin this weekend, she is 92, who doesn't have internet in her home. We did get e-mail in church Sunday.

    1. All wrapped up in the color change and forgot to tell you how good I think your picture is. A nice study of "Rose Weathering".

    2. Thanks, Jim. Better late than never! We have mild winters here, too, so the roses usually bloom. The roses need pruning. I don't know whether to wait until January or prune them now. The Mama never seemed to pay attention to what the rose experts say. The roses are healthy but straggly looking. Another Google search for me.

  7. What a lovely fall photo! Thanks so much for participating. Hope you have a great week!

  8. That is a colorful leaf!


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