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Qualifying the statement.

"No more grandma," said an old woman who I've seen at Filipino parties but never met. The Husband said she greeted him the same way when he welcomed her into the house for the Mama's post funeral service reception.

I imagine the stone-faced woman thought her quip was quite comforting and witty. She reminded me of once-upon-a-time visitors to our home when I was a kid who talked about how fat I was in their language not knowing that I understood what they were saying.

We stood in the backyard. Smiling, I held up my arm and waved at the Mama's garden in full bloom throughout the yard. "Mama's here," I said. "Always."

The woman looked at me, queerly. No doubt she thought I was crazed. After all, I requested "I've got the joy, joy, joy joy down in my heart" for the procession song as we rolled the Mama out of the Catholic Church.

It's the letter Q at ABC Wednesday. Thank you, Roger, Di, Melody, and the rest of the ABCW team for this fun weekly meme. 


  1. Your attitude is a beatitude! <3 God Bless you and Mama!

  2. The cruelty they said long ago melts in the beauty of the garden.....your little bit of heaven created by your mom.

    1. You said it, Birgit. Melting, that's how it felt.

  3. Maybe the old biddy thought that you'd had The Mama buried amongst
    her flowers and shrubs in her beautiful garden. Now, I would have probably
    led her to believe just that, but then, my dear Mama always said that, 'I had too much to say'!
    I hope you are coping with your loss Susie, thinking of you and sending more warm hugs across the big pond and mighty states,
    Love Di,
    ABCW team. xxx
    Your Dear Mama's spirit will rove freely in her garden

    1. hahaha, I should've. That would be a fun rumor to have said about the Mama's crazy daughter. Some days are better, Di. Some moments are just sad. I tell myself in those moments not to quench the tears.

    2. Susie you must cry when you want to but you must always laugh after your tears too !
      love and hugs xxx
      Di xx

  4. wonderful photo's.... some beauty in blooms should stay with us don't you think?

    Have a nice abc-wednesday-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  5. Her love of garden and excellent care of it will always be with you!!!

    1. I hope the excellent care is in my DNA, Ann. The Mama stopped working in the garden in September. I'm finding a lot of overgrowth to tend and decisions to make about water conservation.

  6. Some people just don't get it ... the Mama is around for as long as you remember her ... and the garden grows! :)

  7. So true Susie, just look at the flowers when you miss her!

    Also was reading your bike post - I live in the mountains - hard enough to walk/hike:):) In Holland (my country of origin) "everyone" bikes, but not as much as a relaxing activity, but as a transport vehicle. So, I've always biked (every day to school, to the store, to the train station, etc.)

    Hope you'll add these beautiful flowers of your mama's garden to SEASONS
    (link is open Sunday -Wed till 7pm, Pacific time).
    Since it was a while ago,if you forgot how to link, let me know, and I'll walk you through it:) Hope to see you there!

    1. During the years I lived in San Francisco, I missed riding a bicycle. The traffic and carrying the bike up several flights of stairs were bummers. I'll get back to Seasons soon. :-)

  8. Am back! This Sunday is Mothers day, and it may be hard on you. In that case it helps to do something that remind you of her:) Wishing you a lot of strength and courage!

    1. Thanks, Jeannette. In the Mama's memory, I shall eat a slice of pie!

  9. I was doing some catch up tonight and was sorry to learn of your mother's passing. I went back and read some past posts. She reminded me of my great grandmother who lived to be almost 98. I remember we would go over to their house (she lived with my grandmother) and she'd take us out to walk through her garden. It was huge. She was in her 90's, but I was a little kid and didn't appreciate it's size, beauty and work until recently when I was looking at old slides. There must be something about gardening that's good for longevity. It's probably being outside in the fresh air and getting all the exercise. My thoughts and prayers are with you this Mother's Day.

    1. Thank you, Betty. I agree. The Mama worked in her garden, after she retired, almost every day for nearly 30 years until last October.

  10. The garden is proof that your mamma is around and her work is visible in every flower.
    Wil, ABCW Team

  11. I think you will see her in her garden for a long time !

  12. The garden is vibrant and beautiful, which is a tribute to your mom's love.

  13. Good for you ~ Yes ~ Mama is with you always ~ Gorgeous garden photo!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  14. Yes, always. My mom died 5 years ago, but she remains present.



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