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In the Pink

The Mama flanked by the Cousins!

Indeed, yes. The Mama, the Husband, and I are in good spirits today. I think Molly the Cat may be, too. She got to eat roast chicken for lunch.

The Mama is so in the pink that she did not complain about going to the doctor's this afternoon to get her shot for her anemia. Yaay!

We had an impromptu visit from the Cousins on the Mama's side of the family. We don't see them often, but when we do, it's loads of happy conversation and laughter over a meal. That, I think, was the best medicine for the Mama today.

It's the letter I on ABC Wednesday, a fun weekly meme started by Denise Nesbitt several years ago, and continued onward by Roger Green and the ABCW team. Check out the other participants, and maybe join in yourself, by clicking here.

I'm also sharing at Warm Heart Wednesday, a meme hosted by Jenny Matlock at Off on my Tangent. Click here to visit.


  1. The smiles say it all! So very nice to 'see' you three.
    Cousin visits are good medicine for all of us!

    1. That's the Mama with the cousins. Man cuz, even with grey hair, will always look 16 to me.

  2. Hi there Susie, It seem's you all had a good time,
    I love sitting around a table enjoying a good family
    meal and particularly Chicken,
    So pleased The Mama was happy, she certainly looks it,
    and Mollie the cat.
    Is that you and the Husband on the picture or is it the
    'Cousins' ?

    love Di.
    ABCW team.

    1. Hey, Di! I'm been slow with responses and visits this week. Hope to complete my rounds today. We ate roasted chicken, how'd you know? I cheated and bought it ready-cooked from the market, but I did make roasted cauliflower, sauteed mustard greens, and fried rice with peas. Also served Chinese dumplings, which I got out of the freezer section of the tore.

      Those are the Cousins with the Mama. Two days later, the Mama is still floating on clouds from the visit. The cousins are our only relatives on the Mama's side left in the U.S.

  3. Wow, how indearing this photo is.... wonderful to see such loving happy people!

    Have a nice ABC-W-day / – Week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  4. Nice picture of you three!

    1. Thanks, Lady Fi. That's the Cousins with the Mama. :-)

  5. Love that Molly by Golly got treats too. :)

    1. She made sure she got her roast chicken by rubbing everyone's legs beneath the table. LOL

  6. That must have been a nice surprise especially for your mom. It seems everyone is doing well and how great is that:)

    1. The Mama tends to get anxious when people visit, so I don't tell her until the day before. I was surprised that she wasn't anxious this time. She could hardly wait. :-)

  7. Nice picture, Susie. You mother is probably the age I was thinking before I saw her picture. I am glad she is with you and you can help her. That is a warming thing to be doing, I think my kids might do also if really needed.
    It's nice to have relatives visit also. We visited some last week, a few that we can drive to. I might show pictures, they read my blogs and on Facebook we are friends.

    1. Thanks, Jim. That's the Mama with the cousins. The Husband and I moved from San Francisco area almost 13 years ago to live with the Mama when her health was first waning, which she bounced back quite well. I'm grateful to the Husband for willing to make such a move. He loves his "new" home. It's pretty much the "I want to go far, far away" that he used to yearn for when we lived in the Bay Area.

  8. I think it is so cool how vivacious your mom is. The other day I encountered a woman who still volunteers around her community, and she is 94. People who continue to do what they love into their 90s inspire me.

    1. Me, too, Julia. Now that I'm doing more in her gardens, I'm amazed each day how much hard work and love she dedicated to them.

  9. She looks good. I could tell you love her very much.

  10. You are such a good daughter. I know it can't be easy. Glad everyone is in good spirits.

    1. Thanks, Betty. There are days when I tell myself to stop reacting like a teenager. :-)

  11. "In the pink" - such an INTERESTING phrase!


    1. One of these days, I'm going to find out its origin.

  12. She seems to be happy to be with her cousins !

    1. Man-cousin is the Mama's last connection with the Philippines. Meaning she and he knew each other way back in 1940s when Man-cousin was still a tot.

  13. Oh such a loving photo and glad Mama-san is 'in the pink' ~

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  14. So glad to hear it was a good day! Mama looks lovely.

  15. Replies
    1. Hi, Alice! It's been a long while. I'm glad you dropped by. I'll visit you shortly.

  16. I just love your family photo! Your Mama looks so happy!! Thanks for the comment on my post last week.

  17. When the Mama is happy, everyone is happy!

    This adorable family photo just truly warmed my heart for week 17.

    Thank you for sharing it.



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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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