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Work in Progress

Some of you may recall that last month I bought an empty burlap sack, which once held coffee beans, at my favorite cafe. The sack hasn't moved from where I draped it when I took the photo of it last month. It questions me every day: So, what am I here for?

Yesterday morning, as I was picking leaves off the lawn, I thought how exceptionally pretty they are. Bingo! So, I collected a few and brought them indoors to dry. By afternoon, they were in the office. Ah-ha! Within minutes, I attached a few of them to the canvas. Hmmmm.

I looked down at the floor and saw the box that held stuff I used for a floral arrangement for last year's county fair. Hellllllllloooo! called some blue dried flowers. They went up on the sack.

Then all went quiet.

To be continued.

* * * * *

I'm linking up with the weekly meme, What Happened in Your Surroundings or in Your Mind This Week?, which is hosted by Pippa Koenig. To join in and/or to check out the other participants, click here.


  1. It’s funny how ideas come to us all of a sudden. This is a great one and it is going to be so pretty when it is finished. You are going to have to keep us posted.

    1. I asked the Husband what kind of paint I could use on the sack. "You have to treat it first," he said. Bummer. Still, color is calling to me.

  2. I need to look at things and look again and again before I notice what is staring in the I'm great at procrastinating.

    1. It's always nice to meet a fellow procrastinator. :-)

  3. I can't wait to see what you will create-love the colours so far

    1. The leaves are changing color as I write. The thing needs a broad blast of color.

  4. Great post! (And this sounds like something I would do: get something, then have a creative block and be unable to move forward. Only later to have inspiration pop into my head out of nowhere.) I can't wait to see how this progresses. :-)

    1. My head is spinning with a lot of possibilities. I wonder if I ought to mount it on a frame first.

  5. I am curious to see the result at the end !

  6. I love burlap anyway but it makes a great artists canvas. Looking pretty so far!

    1. Thanks, Christine. You and everyone else here are getting me excited!

  7. I LOVE burlap and can't wait to see where this project is going.

    1. Today, I'm wondering if Iought to cut the sack apart so I have two surfaces.


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