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Recalling The Best Thing Done with Lemons

The memory of the best lemon meringue pie I ever ate

Still makes me smile.

Still gets me goofy with a sugar high.

Still makes me feel weak at the knees.

A sigh of deliciousness.

That slice of the best lemon meringue pie is very long-time gone.

Back in 1984.

In a red building in a small shopping center in the middle of cowboy country.

On The Big Island of Hawaii.

A sigh of deliciousness.


  1. My Aunt Bernice taught 4-H cooking - and, gotta tell ya - she's the reason i believe Lemon Meringue is a gift to humankind . . then i have to admit, I've never tasted better . . . sigh, the memory of her pie stays with me. . . bet your memorable taste was THAT Good. YUM!!!

    1. Yup. I think it was as good as your Aunt Bernice's pie. Yummmm.

  2. I've been to that shopping center in Kamuela outside of Parker Ranch. Samuel Parker was the original Parker and his Hawaiian name: Kamuela! :)

    1. Cool! You're the first person to tell me that she has been to the same place. I've been back but never found that shop again.

  3. I love lemon meringue pie, YUM! Wonderful memories. Have a happy new week!

  4. Mmmmmmm ... lemon meringue pie. Might have to ask Mrs Widds to bake us up one. :)

  5. This made my mouth water. Lovely memory of a nice dessert

    1. :-) We're having a good rain. The kind of day to bake something delicious. If I do, it'll probably be lemon custard pudding or persimmon biscotti.


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