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A Carleen Original

I love handcrafted gifts. This Christmas I received one of the most amazing, beautiful handcrafted gifts ever—a quilt by Sister-in-Law Carleen. Isn't it gorgeous?! The pattern is trés cool.

The photograph doesn't do justice to the the bright and contrasting colors of yellow, green, purple, turquoise, and bits of bright blue. Carleen used a tropical theme because, she said, I was a tropical gal. I totally like that.

Needless to say, but I shall anyway, this Carleen original warms my heart big time and many times over!

I'm sharing this post with Warm Heart Wednesday, a new weekly meme hosted by the amazing Jenny Matlock. Yes, yes, I know it's Saturday. :-)


  1. Such a beauty! And what a great sister-in-law

    1. The quilt sure is, and the Sister-in-Law sure is, too.

  2. A very special quilt indeed! I like the big leafy print.

  3. This is beautiful! I love the geometric shape pattern and the great colours-she is talented and what a precious gift

    1. You said it, Birgit. Carleen is a wowza of an artist.

  4. Nothing like a quilt to warm the heart.


  5. Your sister in law rocks. That's a wonderful and beautiful gift.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  6. What a beautiful gift from your sister-in-law, it's truly gorgeous :)

  7. Reminds me of Celtic knots ... beautiful.

  8. When someone takes the time to make something special like that it certainly is heart warming!


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