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Loving the Leaves

I love the way the leaves cover our front yard this year. This may be the first year the yellow-and-red blanket is is thick.  The photos show how it looked today.  The Husband raked the leaves the day before yesterday. 

While the Husband raked, I put up a few Christmas decorations around the yard to cheer up the Mama as she looked out the window as she ate her breakfast.  This time I did more than add red bows to the tree. See the green bough on the fence? That's new, thanks to the Godmother. She was downsizing her Christmas stuff, so she gave me the bough and a bunch of cool ornaments.

The Autumn leaves and the holiday decorations in the front yard are a few of the things that perked me up this week. How about you?

I'm linking up with the lovely Jenny Matlock's Warm Heart Wednesday. Click here to join the meme and/or read more warming posts.


  1. ha! I just raked some leaves that look like that today! How nice for your mom to see the decor out the window.

    1. The leaves, tripled, are wonderfully soaked with rain. A great excuse not to rake today.

  2. I think we have leaves like that from our pear tree. I will check it Friday, the old house (wanna buy it?).

    1. Thank you, Jim. We're happily content in California. :-)

  3. Sweet home

    Warm ALOHA,


    1. Verily, Cloudia. I wonder how much we'd miss this if we did move to Hawaii.

  4. I always wonder why rake when more leaves are going to drop.

    1. That's how I felt until this year when I've taken on the task of raking in the backyard. There definitely is merit to raking daily or every 2 or 3 days, especially when there are a lot of trees. At least it makes for good exercise for me. :-)

  5. All of a sudden the leaves have really begun to fall in my yard too. I'll be glad when they're all done. Your leaves look pretty. Mine just turn brown and die. Christmas decorations always warm my heart!

  6. Oh the beautiful leaves. I'll miss my leaves from my big old tree. I need leaves for mulch.
    Buttons and Bows. Love your red bows. Very festive.

    1. We put the front yard leaves in the green can that supposedly the garbage people mulch. I think the persimmon leaves in the back become mulch. Must ask the Mama.

  7. Lovely decorations for your mama to gaze upon.

    1. I want to put up more. Need to make a round to the thrift shops.

  8. Replies
    1. Hmmm, wouldn't it be cool to have Christmas trees growing out of that lawn.

  9. Looks like raking the leaves will keep your husband out of mischief for a while! The decorations are very cheery, and a great outlook for your Mum!
    Wren x

    1. We had a wonderful windy storm the other day which blew many of the leaves to the other side of the street. I feel bad about that. This morning, they blew away from our neighbors' lawns. Not from ours though. lol

  10. The live oak trees do not lose their leaves in the winter, but now we are getting pelted with acorns! There are so many this year that I suspect we may have a very cold winter.

    1. I've always wanted to grow an oak tree. The Mama might like a live oak because it doesn't shed. I don't know what she'd say about the acorns. The Husband might grumble as he pushes the lawn mower around the lawn.

  11. Gosh I am behind! Christmas will do that:) Love the garland and the bows. Great way to decorate and place a smile on your mom's face

  12. Oh lovely, lovely!

    How wonderful to have Christmas 'shares' make your yard so happy and bright!

    This lovely post absolutely warmed my heart!

    Thank you for sharing it!

    Happy New Year and...



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