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Another Jabberwocky Down!

"Oh, frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"

We slewed a Jabberwocky, my friends. We did!  Hooray, Hooray!

We being the Mama, the Husband, and me.

Today's Jabberwocky being the Mama's annual Christmas shopping trip to J.C. Penny's.

Once upon a time, the Mama walked back and forth across the mall. Today, it's an effort to make it through one department store. We all wondered if she could even make the walk from the sidewalk to the door. She does not believe in canes, walkers, nor wheelchairs.

On wobbly legs, the Mama plodded slowly through the crowded aisles. I was her eyes looking at sizes, prices, and colors. The Husband scouted out the store: What are the other departments on this floor? Where are the cash registers? Where is glassware? Which is closer, the elevator or escalator?

The Mama sat often. On boxes, on shelves, and on chairs. The Husband stood guard and kept her company while I sought items to bring back for her to check from the comfort of her seat.

Yes, indeed. Today was a warm-hearted adventure. The Mama did well. The Husband did well, as did I.  Together, we can handle the jabberwockys.

Today, I'm linking up to Warm Heart Wednesdays, hosted by the wonderful Jenny Matlock. Click here to join in or check out more posts.


  1. sooooooooo gut!
    Herzlich Pippa

  2. Oh yes, I can remember those days with my mom and dad. I have promised myself that I will use a walker if I ever become even slightly wobbly. I'm glad the shopping trip went well.

    1. Me, too, Betty. I have no problem using a cane or walking stick. It would make for great protection, too.

  3. Warms your heart, doesn't it, Susie? It reminded me of the time Mom got winded in the mountains of Colorado. She was so excited, we had to help her up a flight of stairs.
    We will have a day like that.

    1. The Husband and I thought that if need be we could've carried her between us. She would've loved that at the same be embarrassed. I'm hoping the best for us when we reach that day, Jim.

  4. Kindness is a great gift! You and your hubby have it!

    1. Thank you, Jeanette, for saying that. It's the way our parents brought us up. :-)

  5. These are precious moments you will never forget.

    1. I already love remembering the other day. It was great coming upon them in their corner talking and laughing as Christmas shoppers went by.

  6. How kind of you to take your mom shopping, Susie. Since all my children live in different cities, I am happy to have the internet to take me shopping during the holidays. Happy Christmas to you!!

    1. The Internet is more my style, though there are times when I want to see the product in person. We'll take the Mama shopping for as long as she can handle it. :-)

  7. Adapting to the times, and still getting the job done ... congrats to all three of you. :)

    1. Merci, Widders. It was lots of fun. Even the Husband said so, which to me means it was truly a success.

  8. So glad you had a successful shopping trip! Sounds like it was quite the collaborative event.

  9. You Mum and you are living proof that where there's a will, there's a way! Good on you all for continuing the Christmas shopping tradition and pour yourself a large sherry, you deserve it!
    Wren x

  10. Kindness. Oh kindness. Where would we be without it.

    I love the careful care that was taken of the Mama. As there should be!

    Thanks for the smile of this story.

    And for warming my heart this January day!



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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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