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Sunday in the Backyard

The Mama was playing in the mud this morning. Her favorite thing to do. Okay, she was replanting  Filipino onions, which she does every several weeks.

The Mama likes to say, "You cannot fool me." And that's what I say. The Mama cannot fool me. She's playing in the mud and she's having lots of fun out there. Yup, she's still out there as I'm writing this post.

While the Mama was playing with her onions, Molly the Cat did her rounds of the backyard. She was late this morning. She sat on the chair, which was once the Mama's favorite chair, for the longest time after breakfast. The Mama asked her, "Are you sick, Molly?  Do you have a headache?"

The Mama opened the back door and Molly the Cat jumped off the chair in no time. "Don't go far," said the Mama.

I think Molly wanted her photo taken because she kept close to me while I was clicking away by the lemon tree. But, would she look prettily at the camera? Of course, not.  "Find a candid shot, Lady," said Molly.

So, what's new in the Mama's garden today?

Three of the four marunggay seeds have sprouted. The seeds were from the Philippines, which came from a friend of the Mama's, who got them from a cousin. Marunggay is a huge tree with yummy leaves to eat. Health buffs are now touting the marunggay as a wonder food to eat.

The tomatoes are growing on what the Mama likes to call the "tomato tree" because the plant is about 4 feet tall or more.  Lemons are abundant. And, some of the apple blossoms that popped out a month ago actually has become fruit.

It was full house in the backyard this morning.  The Husband even went out to throw garbage. Yup. It was a good Sunday morning in the backyard.


  1. Splendid day in the garden. The first photo of :The Mama" is pure art - i have been looking and looking at it. many of the plants you mention I've never heard of before . . i suspect you have a slice of Paradise . . . .

    1. I would call the Mama's yard Paradise. Also, a jungle. and Love.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We never grow too old to be like a child again and play in the mud sometimes! I like to plant things too. Nice post I like the cat Molly too

    1. Thanks, Glennis. Yes, I hope to not ever grow to old to make mud pies. :-)

  4. The Mama looks like she is just where she wants to be! Molly seems happy and loos so pretty and you hubby is having a ball tossing the garbage out:) Love the lemon tree!

    1. It was a great morning. The Mama, as always, ignored us as we wandered about in her domain. I think she loved that we were there though.

  5. Good to see The Mama again and The Husband so joyous,,
    ,Molly the cat looked non to pleased though. Probably she resented
    your intrusion to her's and The Mama's Jungle/Oasis...
    Glorious pics xx

    love di xx

    1. You may be right, Di, about Molly the Cat. She's getting used to me being in the front yard though. This morning, she hung out with me as I deadheaded flowers, snipped here and there, and pulled out the huge four-o-clock flower. I don't know why I didn't take a photo of it during its height.


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