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The Wonderful, Wondrous Work of the Wizardess

My ABC Wednesday theme: The Mama and Her Authentic
Green Thumbs. . .and Fingers
Three weeks ago, I showed you, dear readers, a photo of my tomato plant that got broken by the wind and the Mama put back into the soil. Quite a few of you expressed faith that the Mama's wizardy would help nurture it back to life. Well, here's what the tomato plant looks like as of yesterday evening.

Vibrant! I helped a bit by plucking off the dead leaves that you see in the top photo. Maybe I inherited some of the Mama's authentic green thumb and fingers gene.

I want to show you another wonder in the Mama's garden—the Blenheim apricot trees. She started with one tree, which is the one on the right with all the drooping branches full of apricots. The first two or three years that the tree produced, the Mama collected many of the apricot pits and planted them around the backyard.

See that tree on the left with the lone apricot. That's the first fruit of the second generation tree. There's another second-generation tree by the fence that burst forth with fruit this year, too, but with a dozen or more apricots.

The Mama has a rule about the first time a tree gives fruit. She has the Husband eat it. That way, the Mama says, the tree will grow more and a lot of fruit for years to come. How true is it? Well, the Husband was the first person to eat an apricot from the original tree.

It's the letter W at ABC Wednesday, a meme began by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt and today hosted by Roger Green and his ABC cohorts. Click here to check out other W posts by bloggers around the world.


  1. Apricots, Wizardry, Family, Alphabets, Cake . . . who could ask for more???
    wow - the unexpected . . . and i go away happy.

  2. I wished I had her green thumb - I do "okay" (read average) when plants are healthy, but nursing them back to health is an entirely another matter!

    1. You can only hope that you're giving enough of what the unhealthy plants need to make it through.

  3. Susie,

    What a difference in only three weeks! That's remarkable. Thanks for the update on your tomato plant!

    1. It's funny, Sue, how I glance at it as I go by nearly every morning and it was just two days ago that I noticed how big it got. It's like the one evening I kept looking out the window hoping I'd see the moment night fell. Missed it.

  4. Well my hubby is definitely getting my first tomato.

  5. My mom's favourite fruit is the apricot. I am just in awe of your mom and her talent

    1. Have you and your mom tried a Blenheim apricot? That has the most intense sweetness of all apricots for me. The Mama thanks you. Unlike Molly the Cat, she won't curtsy.

  6. Super trees & the fruits look yummy!
    May you grow a lot many trees & enjoy the fruits.
    I didn't know about the husband's role in fruits! Will make him eat the first fruits when the trees I have planted grow :)

    1. Thank you, Anita. The same to you. I hope your trees bear you many fruits.

  7. Very good work in the garden, pretty pictures! Congratulations

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wonderful is the Mamand her amazing Wizardry skill and she's too Wonderful for Words. I like the idea of the Husband eating the first fruit.
    My Fig tree was cut down (against my wishes) as it was taking over the patio and it has grown again, fruit is sprouting just now so as soon as the the first fig is ripe I shall make him eat it! He hates figs, so it will be his punishment for cutting my tree down....
    I did agree to it being cut down but then regretted it.... Ha ha ! Is my dearest in for a surprise... te he !
    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.

    1. Hurrah for your fig tree, Di! Yes, let your hubby eat that first fruit. lol. I have my eyes open for a fig tree and an olive tree. Those will be my contributions to the Mama's orchard. We may have to plant them in the front yard though. I would like to add a cherry tree, too, although the Mama reminds me that the birds ate most of the cherries from the trees we had at the other house. I don't mind. They've got to eat, too. :-)

  10. So proof again that Nature can restore with a little help ;-)
    Wonderful pictures!

  11. Wish I had a touch of that wizardry! The tomato plant looks great!Thanks for stopping by!

    1. I believe we all have it in us. Some, such as the Mama, are more receptive to it. :-)

  12. Your tomatoes looks so much than ours right now.

    1. I'm more patient than the Mama when it comes to plants bearing fruit. I keep telling her, they'll grow when it's their time. But, then, like she reminds me, she's been at gardening much longer than me.

  13. I'm beginning to think your yard is a Tardis in disguise. :)


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