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Day 17 with Tilda-Hilda

Today, Tilda-Hilda and I reached one of our mileposts (lamp posts?). No, milestone. We pedaled to Tres Pinos and back. Our loop was about 12 1/2 miles, which we did in 71 minutes.

From the photo, the downtown area looks like it's far away, but it's only a few 100 yards from the sign. For a tiny downtown, it has four of the best restaurants in the area. If you're interested in knowing more about Tres Pinos, check out my post at Take 25 to Hollister.

Two things to note about this ride was that I pulled 10 goat heads out of Tilda-Hilda's tires and we came across a partially decomposed deer carcass. Shudder.


  1. wow!!! did you say 12 and 1/2 miles. You are amazing.

    1. Yup, 12 1/2. Thank you. I'm slowly starting to feel how I felt several months ago when I stopped pedaling Tilda-Hilda.

  2. You must be mega fit Susie,
    I don't doubt that when you're 93 you will be climbing
    trees just like The Mama!
    Thanks for replying to my comments on my post, I have replied again!
    I often wonder if people go back to read my replies, I like to have a rapport
    with my readers, as it seems you do!
    Di. xx

    1. I'm in poor shape and that's why I'm back on Tilda-Hilda's saddle. I enjoy eating. Yumm, yummm. And I enjoy being a slacker. But, I can't be either to keep up with the Mama and the Husband. I hope I will be climbing trees in my 90s. I've got climbing ladders down. :-)
      P.S. I have been back to your post. I love your idea, in case you read this before you read my reply there.

  3. Yes, a nice walk of 12 1/2 miles!

    1. Ooh, I'm not ready for a 12 1/2 mile hike yet. I'm lucky if my knee will let me walk a mile. Fortunate for me, I have Tilda-Hilda.

  4. Look at you go, up and down and in and out of other towns. Goat Heads....... I don't know what that is. Is it a thorny plant of some kind. I guess but I could look it up... huh? Enjoy the week end and seek more adventure.

    1. It's the thorn on a thorny plant, which name I don't know. The thorn's head looks like a goat's head in someone's mind so that was what it is called. These thorns have a very long and sharp point. I had to put heavy-duty tires on Tilda-Hilda because I kept getting flats. And, I'm smarter now. I listen for the thump,thump as we roll down a path that's known to be heavy with goat heads.

  5. Great bike ride ... I thought I'd reached somebody by mistake here, since I only knew you through your other blog. Happy to find you anywhere though! Off to scroll about this one ... Glad to be here.

  6. Seeing the deer carcass is not a fun view and the smell must have been icky. I love small towns...there is something homey about them.

    1. We went by too quickly to smell anything, thank goodness. Homey, yes, it is that. :-)


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