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Watching the Mama's Garden Grow

Sometimes Molly the Cat and I like to wander in the Mama's garden (which is the whole back yard) first thing in the morning. Molly does her sniffing-the-ground rounds, while I take photos of the sights. There are always new things to see, such as "Wow, look how well the Asian pears are growing."

This morning, Molly said, "Why don't you keep tabs on the progress with pictures?"

Well, she looked at me as I was thinking it. And, you know how cats have a way of transferring their thoughts to our minds. I agreed with Molly. So, over the next few months, I shall take photos of these spots in the Mama's garden.

Vegetable boxes

Vegetable boxes (another angle)

Apple Tree


  1. Beautiful garden and smart and cute cat ~ love the photo!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

    1. Molly the Cat most definitely is smart and cute. She thanks your saying so. :-)

  2. Aww, this is a good idea. I love gardens if I don't have to tend them.

    1. I'm starting to like tending them more since I've become the Mama's assistant.

  3. The Mama's Garden is a Fabulous Place . . I look forward to the view . . .

    1. It certainly is. I'm enjoying being out there more each time.

  4. I love your mom's garden and Molly is beautiful.

  5. Lovely shots of the garden - and cat.

  6. Yes, wonderful garden, pretty pictures!

  7. Molly knows what needs to done:) I am going to enjoy seeing the garden grow and the tree

  8. Molly the Cat - reading the kitteh newspapers every morning! :)


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