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M-a-n-i-p-u-l-a-t-i-n-g. Manipulating

I would like to think that the only good manipulating I do these days is what I do with my photos in Photoshop. Not that I think I manipulate people to my way of thinking or doing. Although, there are time when I wish people would stop thinking the ways of the dark force.

Once upon a time, I had a very good girlfriend. We had wonderful adventures together. Did a lot of crazy stuff. Supported each other through our poor days of college studies. And, so forth and so on. Then one day we had a falling out. I had a rough work day, so was not at my best of listening to her troubles and was quite short with her. Ha! Wrong thing to do. No matter how much I apologized and tried to make amends, she chose to sever our friendship. Her final words depressed and angered me the most. I don't recall them precisely anymore, which is good. They were something like this: "I got all that I wanted out of you."

It took me a long while, but I finally saw the light. Who says things like that? Patooie. 

Now, how did I get onto that topic. It does feel good writing it out loud though. Anyhow. Here's the original photo for the manipulated one above.  What do you think?

See ya tomorrow.


  1. I love the fade out look on the photo and it seems to go with the story. That was no friend forever. I can't quite think of the exact quote but it goes something like this-"There is a friend for a reason, a friend for a season and a friend all your life." You are better off without her because you may have been the one who always gave and she took in the listening and being there dept. Love the photo

    1. Thanks, Birgit, for putting the perfect salve on the long-time, but getting fainter, wound. I wish I'd heard those words back then. It took me a long time to realize that I wasn't the only one at fault in that break up. Or, that I was an ogre for being as she put it so insensitive to her needs.

  2. I think we've all had friends like that. Seems like they're in our lives for a while, and then it's time for them to go.

    Gorgeous pic. Looks like a painting.

    1. That's a wise way of putting it, Widders, about friends. You've given me an idea. I was going to say I wish I could paint like that. I'm going to see if I can duplicate it with paints.


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