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Another Rambling Saturday

The greatest thing that happened this past week was Rainy Thursday. It rained throughout the day and night. And, at one point, it came down in buckets. Of course, I had to go outside and take photos. I got totally drenched, and loved every huge raindrop that my tee-shirt absorbed.

The Mama loved the rain, too. She was outside when the rain started, and decided to go hang out in the shed as the sky kept crying. On this coming Wednesday's post, I'll share what she did during the rain.

Writing Travel Bits
Lately, I've been writing descriptions about local places for Mapquest. Once upon a time, I thought I wanted to be a travel writer, but other things came along to drop that thought in the wish bucket. Writing these occasional short pieces is fulfilling that dream. Here are a few of the places I've written about so far: Pinnacles National Park, National Steinbeck Center, San Benito County Historical Park, and the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph.

A rock climber at the Pinnacles National Park

Vanna White
On most week nights, we watch The Wheel of Fortune with the Mama. Every time Vanna White walks to the puzzle board, I wonder the same thing. How much does Vanna White make? After years of asking that question, I finally remembered last night and did a Google search. I now wish I had not. It truly is better to be ignorant about some things.

How much do you think she earns touching the lit-up squares so that the letters appear?

Eight million dollars a year! So says Celebrity Net

Yeah, I know. I'm going to cheer myself right now by baking lemon zucchini bread, with poppy seeds, if I can find them.


  1. I believe she makes that much and maybe even more. I remember when she "wrote" her autobiography-she seemed to be the dumbest thing I have ever seen and I can't believe her book got published

    1. Many celebrity books annoy me, because the celebrities get outrageous advances for their biography while people who write educational or reference materials are lucky if they get 1 percent of their advances.

    2. ... and eleventy per cent are ghostwritten anyway.

  2. Replies
    1. We even had a bit of thunder and lightening. Whooo-hooo!

  3. Susie,

    I'm so pleased to hear about your rain. That's big news indeed! I hope you get some more.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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