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The Dude, The Husband -- Vocal with Vivid Vocabulary

My Alphabe Thursday theme -- The Dude, The Husband
The Husband is very articulate and precise about saying what he means. I love that about him. I also like how he questions things and is not afraid to vocalize his thoughts, especially about the illogical thinking of others who want to impose their agenda upon everyone. The Husband does that a lot on his Facebook wall. And, today, he's letting me share a few of his posts, with which I whole-heartedly agree.  Thank you, The Husband. 

If you're not interested in reading about religion and politics, then scroll down to read the Husband's third post. The Husband is a great punster.

By the way, if you're coming from the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge, my N post is over here.

Today is Alphabe Thursday, hosted by the sweet Jenny Matlock. To visit other participants, please click here.


  1. I can't handle a lot of the illogical posts on Facebook. Drives me crazy.

  2. I love that he speaks his mind. Sometimes the stuff you see on FB is so silly!

    1. Yes, especially from people who are in office.

  3. Brilliant!!! I so agree with his assessment and it is scary when people start spouting "bible" knowing full well they mean to put this as law...we do not need a totalitarian state or country. Great words and so eloquent. Love his pun:)

    1. He's very quick with the puns. So, when I can pull one on him, I feel pretty good.

  4. I am with Rocky Mountain Woman about FB. I am not interested in the politics of others, particularly the bullies over there. I use it strictly to keep in touch with those I love and care for.

    1. That's one one the things I like about FB -- being able to stay in touch with friends and relatives who are far away.

  5. ah...Facebook. that wonderful site where people post all kinds of crazy, inaccurate, and made-up stuff. Luckily, I don't see as much of it as some and I tend to shake my head and move on.

  6. I may want to compare notes, Susie. Hubby was a good catch for you. If you weren't around anymore, is there a waiting list amongst the other women? Mrs. Jim's friends have one for me. Makes a guy feel good. Wanted.

    1. hahahah, Jim. I think there are a few women who wouldn't mind being his next spouse. :-)


  7. Eden House News and viewsApril 19, 2015 at 7:19 AM

    Hi this is my first encounter with your blog . I have been following alphabet Thursday for a long time but only once managed to complete the whole 26 letters
    I have been away from blogging for a while but now trying to catch up and keep up see you again
    I love your blog and would like a husband like yours so if you have a friend single let me know LOL

    1. Thank you, Eden House News. Yes, I won a cosmic lottery when the Husband came into my life. :-)

  8. FB is great for keeping up with friends and family...your Dude seems quite eloquent and passionate; perhaps he should be blogging♪

    1. That's what I say. He's happy with his FB wall for now.


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