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R is for Rice

We usually have cooked rice in the refrigerator, ready to be heated as is or made into a fast and easy fried rice dish.

Rice is the one dish that the Mama usually makes. I'd rather cook it because hers comes out too dry. But, I let her prepare the rice because I think it makes her feel that she's contributing to cooking the meals. When I warm up the rice in the microwave, I just add a bit of water. So no big deal.

Twice a year, the Mama sees her eye doctor who always asks,"What's your secret for long life?"

"I eat rice," she tells him. "Eat rice for a long life. You don't get so many wrinkles."

I don't know about that.  But, hey, she is 93 years old.

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  1. We cook a lot of rice in Hawaii too! Does your mom like to wash it a lot before cooking it? I do a lot of rinsing and give the first batch of rinse water to the plants outside - it's apparently a Korean natural farming technique, though I think it's supposed to sit for 2 days first, so there are more microbes in it. If your mom has a technique for making rice, I'd be curious. I learned the "Hawaiian way" which is not measuring it!
    Maui Jungalow

    1. Yes, she washes the rice until the water is clear. Hopefully, I can describe her water measuring technique clearly. You stick your hand straight down so that your index finger touches the top of the rice, which is, of course, level. The water should reach to the second knuckle line of your index finger. That's what's she taught me when I was a kid. These days, I think she just eyeballs it.

  2. Cute. Everyone has their own recipe for a long life.
    A friend's grandmother lived to be 106. She says it's because she never drinks water..... she only drinks cofee. Figure that one.

    1. The Mama drinks a few glasses of water each day, if that. Most of her fluids come from milk and coffee. Also, what ever is her food. Her doctor isn't concerned with her water intake, but I'm thinking he and her are on the same page of life that's it all gravy for her now. I'm wondering if the smaller you are, the less water you need. Your body efficiently handles it all, as long as your healthy. But, oh boy, when you're not. Dehydration big time.

  3. I love rice-more than potatoes. Your mom knows how to handle life as a whole and we could learn from her

  4. I love rice, and I am like you where I prefer a moiste rice. If someone serves dry rice I usually put lots if salsa in top to give it more moisture. I want to make rice pudding after reading your post.

    1. Yum. It wasn't until I met the Husband that I tasted rice pudding. It was a concept I couldn't wrap my head around. I don't know why since my favorite all-time dessert is the Mama's baked sweet rice full of butter and brown sugar. Thank goodness I can only have that in my dreams.

  5. I love rice, and I am like you where I prefer a moiste rice. If someone serves dry rice I usually put lots if salsa in top to give it more moisture. I want to make rice pudding after reading your post.

  6. I cook a whole big batch of rice, cool it and place it in freezer bags, lay it flat and freeze for later. My hubby loves it because he can make a quite Thai fried rice on a moment's notice. Brown rice freezes just as well as white. I use less water because I want it to be fairly dry when he fries it up. I do love Jasmine rice the most. Great post!!!

    1. Thanks for the tip, Susan. I'll do that with brown rice. I need to eat more of that and less of the white.

  7. I love brown rice these days! I will try this tip, thank you.


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