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Sunday Ramble

I had completed a post for today several days ago. It featured a photo that I hooked up to a photo meme. Then I decided to hook up a photo on my other blog -- Take 25 to Hollister -- to the same meme. So, off came the finished post for this blog. You'll see it later this week.

Certainly, I could've posted both, but I didn't want to think about how to handle my visits to bloggers participating in the meme. Should I comment under one blog or both? If done individually, which blogs should I visit as The View from the Top of the Ladder and as Take 25 to Hollister. I just make things more complicated than they need be.

Seeking Oompah

My goal for 2015 is finding my creative groove again. That is why I'm rambling on the blog today rather than seeing if there are any Modern Family reruns on TV. Posting on my blogs daily is part of the plan to finding my creative groove, mojo, hoodoo, voodoo, fancy, desire, and plain old oompah.  Of course, once I do my thing for today, I may look for a Modern Family rerun.

Modern Family

By the way, have you seen Modern Family? I recently discovered the reruns. The show is like a bag of potato chips for me. I finish one show and I want another. Now, I understand why the comedy series and the performers have been winning awards the past five years.

The show is presented as a mockumentary. The writing is sharp and well-honed. There is continuity and growth with the characters. And, the actors perform their part so well, I actually believe they are a family rather than performers acting that they are a family. The stories show them going through daily routines and now-and-then special events, doing their best not to be annoyed at the crazy beliefs and actions of their family members. They have temper tantrums and blow off steam at each other, but, because they truly love each other, they manage to find a way to work through things and make amends. If you want to know more about Modern Family, check out Wikipedia's summary here.

Okay, I'm off to find an episode of Modern Family on TV.  Wait! Before I go, here's a photo for today. It's Molly the Cat hanging out on the fence, where she knows she's not supposed to be.  See ya!


  1. ... but, but ... fences were made for cats. What other purpose is there?

  2. Cats will go where they please just to spite their owner:) I have seen episodes here and there of Modern Family and would watch more but hubby isn't into this show unless Sophia Vegera (spelling??) is in a low cut!

    1. She's pretty much in low cut tops in every episode. lol


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