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Don't Take My Picture!

Lately, I've been helping the Mama pick up the leaves in the backyard. Even when it's about to rain or when the wind is being blustery. Why? Because the Mama is out there. And, she'll stay out there until she is a) satisfied that she has picked up as many leaves as she could before more fall from the trees,  or b) tired and has begun ranting about the next door neighbor's dirty tree that sheds lots and lots of clusters of red berries and skinny hard leaves, which are quite difficult to pick up.

After years of calling out the back window, "Come in, Mama, it's too cold!" Or,  "It's windy! Just wait until the wind stops." Or, "It's raining!" I now step outside, followed happily by Molly the Cat who has been cooped inside because the Mama decided it's too cold, windy, and/or rainy for her to be outdoors.   I usually head to the other side of the yard  with my favorite rake. The sooner the leaves are picked up, the sooner the Mama -- and Molly the Cat -- will come indoors.

Some days I bring my camera with me. Between building piles, I click away. Both the Mama and Molly the Cat dislike my taking photos of them. Today was no different. "Don't take my picture," the Mama said, bending to pick up another stray leaf.  Molly didn't say anything. She merely walked away or turned her back to me.

So, fine. I took a photo of my shadow. It reminded me of Peter Pan. By the way, notice Molly the Cat's tail in the picture?


  1. Susie,

    I like your shadow photo very much. Very artistic! Yes, I can see Molly's tail. The other week I took a photo of my girls, and later I noticed our puppy's legs intruding horizontally into the side of picture. She was sitting in a chair with her legs poking out. With all those leaves it must be autumn where you are. That's my favourite time of the year!

    1. I love the odd things that show up in photos. I saw Molly's tail after I published the post. lol. Sweet girl, she is.

  2. I understand why older people don't like their pictures taken. We change from the smooth skin hottie with the gorgeous smile to what people now say, we have "inner beauty." BS but don't take my picture either. LOL
    You are so sweet to go out and help with the leaves since you know the mama won't stop until they are all picked up.

    1. I suppose I'm sweet. The Mama is a very cranky patient so I'd rather she not get sick. :-)

  3. A couple of my cats run when they hear the camera turn on, that's how much they dislike having their picture taken!

    1. hahahahha. That's good to know it's just not Molly.

  4. Heh, heh. The tail that spoke a thousand words!

  5. Your Mama reminds me of my hubby. He was just complaining of the leaves not raked up on our neighbour's lawn. He doesn't want them blown on our side. He did not find it funny that I said let it go & it will fly away....he was not amused. It is so very nice that you are out there with your mom and Molly is there to supervise

    1. The Mama gets the shivers when sees lawns full of leaves. Lately, I look at such lawns with the desire to rake them for the exercise. I wonder how long that feeling will last?


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