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"Husband, what is my X-factor?" I asked, standing behind the Husband, who was at the kitchen sink. He was carefully prepping the dishes to wash.

"X-factor?" the Husband asked. "What do you mean?"

"I dunno," I said, trying to balance on one foot. "What is X-factor?"

"It was a TV show** about aliens."

"Cool! I've got my "X" post."


"The letter X. You'll be featured tomorrow on the blog. Thank you very much."

The Husband laughed.

* Later, when I returned from taking out the garbage, the Husband said, "X-Files was the alien show. X Factor was a talent show."

"Even better," I said, though I don't know why.
I'm participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge this month. To check out other participants, click here. See you tomorrow.    


  1. Your husband's great. Glad he supports you w/ this blog. BTW, if you have time, will you please put a comment on my V post? I forgot to schedule it for the correct day then had to post W right away!

    Maui Jungalow

    1. Yup, the Husband is a sweetheart about me writing about him. I will come by, you can count on it. :-)

  2. Ooo X-Files. Been AGES since I saw that one. I used to love it growing up :)

    Happy A to Z-ing!
    herding cats & burning soup.

    1. I never saw X-Files. Beats me why not. It sounds like one I would've enjoyed. Probably if the Husband was in my life then, I would've watched it regularly.

  3. X-Factor was actually a show about Simon Cowell.

  4. All the better if it's a talent show. You can show off your fancy moves.!!

    1. Yes, I can see myself tapdancing away from the hook. :-)

  5. X-Files, a favorite. Saw a rerun yesterday. They were young and it was discouraging to remember that we were too. Never saw X-Factor.

  6. Ha ha! Cute! For the record I was thinking X-Factor was the alien show, too!

    1. Thanks, Jeanette. X-Factor would make a great title for one.

      LOL, Widders!

  7. LOL. Your X-factor is the ability to get posts out of your husband without him knowing!

    Timothy S. Brannan
    The Other Side, April Blog Challenge: The A to Z of Witches

    1. LOL. I read your reply to the Husband and he said, "Oh, I know."

  8. Susie,

    What would we do without our husbands? Mine has provided me with quite a few stories for this blogging challenge. I love your drawing!

    1. Thanks, Sue. The Husband says that the drawing shows precisely what goes on in the kitchen as he washes the dinner dishes. I gotta do something as I wait to draw them.

  9. I watched the X factor and it only had to do with singing. If I went on I would be calling all the dogs to me with my voice-ouch:) X files or X factor it is still an X. Now if it was X men I would want to be able to transport wherever I wanted to go:)

    1. Have you seen the previews for the upcoming X-Men? Very interesting. It's present going to the past, or is the past going to the future? Whatever it ought to be an intense tale.

  10. The letter X is a hard one, but like your topic for this one. It looks like you are skating in the drawing.

    1. That's the way I looked (without the smile) as I began my fall the few times I skated. :-)

  11. this is great thanks for posting

    1. You're welcome. Thanks for dropping by. Sorry it took me awhile to respond. :-)


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