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The Elephant in the Room

Lately I've been hearing this phrase a lot—the elephant in the room. For example, a character says, "We can't ignore the elephant in the room anymore."

That said, I shall address the elephant that has been showing itself the past few days on my blog. The drawings. Rather, the doodles.Those are mine, you betcha! Very rough and kid-like. You'd think I'd be embarrassed to show them. Nope.

This elephant -- my doodles -- is just another something new for me to attempt. Ever since my first grade teacher told me that my cows needed to stand on terra firma, I have been insecure about drawing, painting, sketching, and anything to do with art. Not anymore. The elephant in the room is now s-i-x-t-y and can do whatever she darn well pleases.

So, I may be posting a doodle every day of this A to Z challenge. Or not. Because I'm talking about the elephant, I may not be inclined to do any more. But, then, as I'm composing this post, I can't think of what to do with the other letters. Perhaps, I'll just post a doodle a day. Wouldn't that be cool? Maybe you'll see a doodle of a fish, a foot, or a fan on Monday. Stay tuned.

I'm participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge this month. To check out other participants, click here. See you tomorrow. 


  1. I've taken note of your doodles and I think they really speak.

  2. Obviously your teacher never heard of Picasso! I LOVE the little hat on the elephant:) It put a big smile on my face today and with the cold and snow(again) it is nice to see the flowers with the elephant

    1. Or, Marc Chagall. I never thought of it before but maybe that's why I took to his work the first time I saw them. I'm glad you like the hat. :-)

  3. It is good to do little drawing for your blog, I too have done a drawing for every letter of the alphabet.

    Good luck on your journey to Z.

    Rob Z Tobor

    1. It was a spur of the moment decision. I like to take a photo for each post, but I didn't have anything that fit these first posts. Appreciate the visit. I'll go by your way shortly.

    2. Thank you for calling by the blog. . . .

  4. I used the phrase myself today. Sweet sketch!

  5. Keep the doodles coming. What that teacher didn't know is that cow can too fly!

  6. I LOVE this elephant! Your inner artist is expressing - and it's All Good!

    1. I appreciate your enthused encouragement, Maggid. The Husband, who is an artist, is teaching me how to doodle a few of my next letters.

  7. I don't mind the elephant in the room as long as it doesn't break the floor.
    I like the sketch.

    1. Thanks, Andrew. This elephant is very light-footed. Most of the time. It does get a little iffy when she tap dances. She loves to bounce off the wall ala Donald O'Conner in "Singing in the Rain."

  8. You've given a whole new meaning to "the elephant in the room," and I like yours a whole lot better.

    MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
    Lots of Crochet Stitches

    1. I have?....Back again. Had to go look up the meaning of the phrase. I guess I did add another meaning to it. LOL

  9. Why didn't I think of a sketch! Probably because it would've taken as long as my 'E' post did in text. I struggled. The elephant in the room was most definitely leaving it until I'd had a few glasses of wine.

  10. What a totally charming elephant! You should write a children's story to go with this wonderful art!

    1. Thanks, Noelle. Maybe I will. A few comments up, the elephant started coming to life. She tap dances, you know. And, I believe she's a jazz dancer, too. She loves doing the jazz hands, because it makes her giggle which causes the others in her troupe to sigh and wait 5 minutes for her to get over the giggles. But, I dunno if I can consistently draw this elephant, but it would be worth seeing if I could.

  11. LOVE this elephant in the room. And other doodles. Good you don't care about the ground-defying cow anymore.

    1. I'm going to find that picture and post it one of these days. :-)

  12. You go girl! Love the doodles. Teachers and other adults so often can squash that creative side in us. Maui Jungalow

    1. It's only taken me several decades to say, "Oh yeah, well I don't think so." :-)


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