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That's how I feel when I pedal my clunky bright pink bicycle. Being short, I've got a lot of power in my stubby legs, so says the tall Husband, who sometimes huffs and puffs after me.

"That's okay," I tell him. "I can't keep up with you when we walk.

Since December 31, 2013, I've pedaled nearly 320 miles on my pretty cruiser.  I'm rather proud about that. Several days a week, I take off before breakfast and pedal up and down and through the flat and hilly neighborhoods or trace a perimeter around town. Because I'm alone, I generally follow the streets and roads. Now and then I forge quickly across a field or ford the dry riverbed.

The Mama is almost used to me going out on my own early in the morning. Just when I think it's not a big deal for her that I'm out roaming alone, she'll say something like, "Do you go far away?" "What takes you so long?" or "Aren't you afraid to ride by yourself?"

Yes, I'm afraid. That's why I don't go through remote areas that I would by myself. Of course, some may say that a couple of the routes I take are remote. Perhaps. But, I am careful. And wary.

Bicycling is my favorite form of exercise. Any stress or worries I may have disappear once I've pedaled a block. Wheeeeeeeeeee!
I'm participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge this month. To check out other participants, click here. See you tomorrow. 


  1. What a cute picture! There really are no good places to bicycle where I live, plus my knees don't care for it much. I work out in the therapy pool at my place of employment.
    Thanks for stopping by Crazy Town in Looney Land.

    1. Thanks! I have to be careful about my knees, too. For once in my life, I pay attention to how they feel and make adjustments, such as pedal on flat streets and skip the hills.

  2. How neat. Biking is the way to go as you don't have to follow the tried and true roads. I love the pinkness of your bike. I've turned into pink in my old age. I want to be more girly.

    1. This is my first pink bike. I'm amazed at how many women--of all ages--comment about how cute my bicycle is.

  3. My bike is sitting unridden. I've discovered I'm mortal and falling off is not fun,.Today I am in search of a stationary bike. Not as free but at least, if I fall, I will land on carpet. My husband loves to bike and is not afraid. He and the teenager ride together. Maybe I'll find a stationary bike and paint it pink. That appeals to me. Enjoy your freedom!

    1. Hiya Ann ... it's fairly easy to convert a bike to a stationary one with an indoor bicycle trainer stand with something that provides resistance for you to pedal against. That way you get the best of both worlds. :)

    2. Hi, Ann, I've fallen a few times. Once, I wasn't paying attention and the Husband and me crashed into each other. I don't remember if he rear-ended me or I, him. Just realized that falling off of a bike doesn't scare me as much as just falling down while I walk. Go figure.

  4. I don't bike for 2 reasons: I am too scared of the cars and trucks and 2: I have joint issues and was told I can't as I will create more scar tissue and therefore more pain. I would have liked to try again because my husband feels the same way you do. he feels on cloud nine and free and can put the stress of the day away when he rides. Aren't mom's wonderful-my mom would say the same things to me if I went out walking...I miss that

    1. Oh, gee, I haven't heard that before about scar tissue. That makes sense. I hope that doesn't occur to my knees. I stretch the muscles that move the knee before I ride and pedal on flat streets at first. The Husband of mine doesn't like pedaling around cars either, and some of the best roads to ride have narrow shoulders.

  5. Like Flying - well, a little like flying on your own terms . . . I really like your picture.
    love to you!

  6. Your picture makes me want to go out and buy a girly bike! I have not been on a bike in years! Good for you for getting out there and getting that freeeee feeling!

    1. Cool. Hope you find the girly bike. I've got a wicker basket and a ding-aling bell on my handlebars. All I need are streamers. :-)

  7. This is a great post. I have a bike like yours that is pink and a cruiser. I ride my bike all the time alone because I am a walker and a biker, so I would just not worry too much about those who think riding a bike is dangerous. So is driving, and many other activities people think are safe. Enjoy your biking :).

    1. I haven't been as consistent riding my bicycle lately due to extreme temps and body boo-boos needing to heal. I like mapping my rides just to see what shapes they make on paper. LOL

  8. That sounds fun! I'm horrible at it. Learned as an adult. So I have almost run over people. Sigh. Maui Jungalow

    1. I remember what it was like learning to ride a bike. Wobbly as all get out. Crashed a lot, too.


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