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Pruning is Done

Snap. Snap. Snap.

"Mama's always finding something to snap in the backyard," I said to the Husband, as I peeked out the back door to see what she was snapping.

"She'll always find something," said he.

The temperature was in the 50s. Very cold, she would complain, if she was inside the house.

Outside, she doesn't feel how cold it is because she says she's always moving. Always doing something in her garden. She has already dug up her vegetable boxes. I won't be surprised if she starts planting beans next month and then complains a month later why it takes so long for them to sprout.

That's the Mama. Keeps her strong, I know. She is, I believe, healthier than the Husband and me right now.

At least all the trees are pruned. The apple trees. The persimmon trees. The apricot tree. The miracle tree. The avocado trees. The ornamental pear tree on the front yard. Too bad we didn't have a prune tree to prune.

Of course, there is the lemon tree. However, I can't see any limbs sticking out that may be driving her buggy that they must be cut. But, then, what do I know.

I've been on the tall ladder quite a lot this winter.  Been enjoying it, too. The Husband's back mended just in time for him to get into the act a little bit.  Pruning is a family affair could be our motto.

Happy New Year, Dear Readers!


  1. Sorry I missedd your post. I get up so early and write my rhyme at "It's rhyme time" and I often don't open the computer the rest of the day. My time has been occupied with all the work from the flood.

    Yes, I agree. Work is good for the Mama. I'm not quite as old as she is but I've been climbing on to the top of the ladder, painting. When people say I should not do that, I say, "It's good for me. " Like the Mama, I enjoy working in the yard more than anything. I'm not a designer inside the house.,,,,not at all. At the rate you are going, I'm giving you a few years and you will be just like the Mama. You have a good teacher.

    1. PS I see all the typos but I'm using a larger screen (my eyes are really bad) and typing on the laptop. I have a keyboard but I don't know how to use the mouse. I'm so used to the laptop but this screen and keyboard will be better on my eyes. I got a new desk/table too. It has a little handle and the whole top raises and I can stand and work. Sitting for hours bugs me. Or bugs my butt. Haha


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