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Sweet, Sunny, and Sour

This has been a great summer for the Mama's backyard jungle. Trees, vines, and plants are producing like crazy. This is just a bit of the Mama's bounty—Sweet Asian pears, sunny sunflowers, and sour, but yummy lemons.

Today, I'm participating in the photo meme, Monday Mellow Yellows, hosted by Gemma Wiseman. To check out other participants, please click here

P.S. 'Tis the month of the Mama and Molly the Cat.


  1. Amazing to see such a profusion of yellow fruit and sunflowers. Gorgeous.

  2. Looks so delicious! I could use a few lemons right now!

  3. WOW, to eat pears right off the tree. I used to have a pear tree in Minnesota. It really produced the kind that will grow in cold weather.... forgot the name. I sold the house and the people who bought it hated the pear tree. Said it was too messy. I cried.

  4. How wonderul to, have all that fruit in the garden. I would love to have that. The hippies came just after my youth. When I look af it now it was a wonderful time.

  5. What wonderful fruit in your luscious garden!

    Many thanks for stopping by - and do let me know if you read any of my thrillers!

  6. You have a fabulous selection in your garden! I wish summer would hurry up and get here in New Zealand!

  7. Hope your mama puts up a few for winter!


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