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Seriously, Lady. Have you nothing else to do, but take my photo?

That's what I imagine Molly the by-golly Cat said to me after I snapped this shot.

What can I say? The friends have children and grandchildren to brag about. Me? Why, I'm pretty proud about the Husband, the Mama, and Molly the Cat.

Yep, I'm still here. I know. It has been nearly a month since I've written.  I've been busy being a writing hack. And, I say that in a good way. Hope you're all doing well out there, dear Readers, each and every one of you.

Molly yawns healthily  at night because of the prowling
she does during the day in the Mama's jungle.


  1. Boy, those teeth look needle sharp. Poor sleepy baby. That is a gorgeous picture of Mollie in the Mama's garden. Oh, the garden is so lush and verdant. Are you working on a book?

  2. Hi, Manzi,

    A revision of a career book with new formats. Also been writing a bunch of short articles for quick pocket money for summer fun. :-)

  3. My, my, my. What a wonderful set of fangs you have, Miss Molly!


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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