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I did a lot of this and that on the computer over the weekend, rather than going here and there. My last task was merging my two blogs, the now—Don't Be a Hippie—with the then—This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then. Some of you dear readers may remember my older blog, and I thank you for following me to Don't be a Hippie.

My reason for combining the two? A sudden need for continuity. Let's face it, I stopped that other blog because I wanted a new blog title. If my first blog, Cu'Pie Baby Bird Says "Tweet, Tweet" was still up, I'd probably merge that one, too.

If you're on Blogger and interested in merging two or more of your blogs, check out this tutorial (How to Merge Blogs in Blogger?) at Blogger Tips and Tricks.

So, what's in my new archives? I hope you'll explore for yourselves. At your leisure and whim, of course. For now, here are a few of my favorite posts:


  1. Merging, what a marvelous idea. My one blog gripe of a new follower is when more than one blog listed. I keep clicking on each and find they haven't posted for a year. Eventually I give up..... takes too much time. That only applies to new friends, not the ones I've known for a long time.
    Thanks for the tip

    1. Thanks, Manzi. I'm sure learning a lot about Blogger today. I just made a page, "Other Blog", that when you click on it, you're immediately at Take 25 to Hollister. Magical bean in my machine!

  2. Oh, I remember the 'standing on one foot' post ... what a fun little trip down memory lane!

  3. hey cool! there was something totally familiar about don't be a hippie that i didn't even question it:)


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