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The apricot tree had fewer blossoms than last year.

"You pruned too much," said the Mama.

Sigh. I needed to cut the low branches so I wouldn't get stabbed in the forehead or the Husband wouldn't get poked in the chest as we wandered through the yard while following Molly the Cat. I also wanted to clean up the tangle of branches now rather than later when it would be too difficult to do.

I want to think the Mama understands all that. But, all she can think of right now is that we will have fewer apricots to eat this year.

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"Next year the tree will have a lot of blossoms," I said.

She didn't say a word. 

We can only hope.


  1. i'm assuming the weather is to blame? i'm in california.. the weather here is strange. 5 minutes ago it was sunny, not it's overcast....

    1. The weather, yes, partly. But, I think the Mama may be right about overpruning the tree....I'm in California, too. Wish we could get more rain.

  2. Sometimes the only response is, "Yes, Mama."


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