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Seeing "Hyde Park on Hudson"

Our local movie house offers a Wednesday series of independent films. They are the type of movies that if you live in a small city out in the boondocks you have to schlep over the hills or up the far-away freeway to a large nearby city. Yesterday was the first time the Husband and I took advantage of the series. Unfortunately, it was the theater's last offering. Who knows if, and when, it will offer another series.

The movie was Hyde Park on Hudson, which was about the relationship between President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Daisy Suckley, a distant cousin. It was a good-size audience for the late afternoon screening—about 24 and 30—especially when you consider where we live.  We were all  uhem in the grey-haired age group. The Husband and I were probably among the youngest there. I whispered my observation to the Husband.
 "I still think of myself as being in my 20s," he said.
"I do, too. But, we're not."
"I thought we were middle-age."
"We're beyond that now." After all, we did purchase senior citizen tickets.
"Are we elderly?" he asked, as the lights went down.
"Far from it," I said, thinking about the Mama.

Okay, the movie. Neither the Husband nor I had any idea what it was about. We just wanted to see Bill Murray in the role of FDR. He did quite well, thank you. The story of  FDR and Daisy is actually based on Daisy's journals and correspondence that were found after her death. The movie focuses on a particular historical event in 1939: The weekend that the young King George and Queen Elizabeth visited FDR at his private residence. The king had come to seek help from the United States in the eventual war with Nazi Germany.

Some people may think that the movie sounds too serious, kinda stuffy, or boring. Far from it.  For instance: FDR drives up and down the country roads like a mad man. The King stays in a bedroom wallpapered with cartoons of British soldiers in the War of 1812. FDR admits he took up stamp collection because it was a good way to get girls.

Then there is the scene in which the King whines to the President, "They didn't want me as their king." The President replies, "I didn't think they voted for that in England." And, of course, there is the evolution of a quiet spinster lady who doesn't smoke, drink, or drive into a quiet spinster mistress who does do all that. Not to say the spinster and the President's secretary are both okay about being at the President's beck and call whenever he needs a quickie. Oooh, did that last part intrigue you.


  1. LOl ... ach! Those presidents and their quickies!

    1. I imagine if FDR was serving today, the GOP would go after his quickies with vengeance.

  2. Well, so give me the nitty gritty. He was supposed to have an affair all those years with whom??? And wife Eleanor had an affair with a woman which was shocking back then.
    Beside the smut, I love historical movies, in fact I might say they are my favorite. I would like the movie.

  3. His secretary and this cousin, going by this movie. What I liked the most about the movie is that it tried to show the humanity of FDR.


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