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What's Wrong with Me!

We are on a strict budget right now. Not that I'm complaining. The flow of income can get very tight when you choose to be an independent writer. So,  all of you readers out there who want to be professional self-employed writers, bear that in mind. If you want the independence, you just keep plugging along. If you can't stand the financial insecurity, then you need to shore up on the writing, editing, researching, and computing skills to get a decent paying communications, technical writing, or editing staff job. And, for gosh sakes, please don't underbid your professional worth, which is essentially all professional writers' worth.

But, I've wandered. Being financially insecure at the moment isn't my tale. Nor is being a professional writer, which I finally get is what I am. Talk about sometimes not getting it. Do you know the yellow gas station Shell Oil? I don't know how many times I've seen the Shell stations by the time I reached a certain day in my late 30s.  I was driving south from San Francisco on Highway 101, a familiar route for me back then. I went around this  particular bend near South San Francisco when I saw for the nth time the Shell station logo broadcasting itself high over the freeway on my left. Bingo! At that moment I realized the logo symbol is a shell. You know, as in Shell Oil. Duh!

Again, I've wandered. What was I going to talk about? Strict budget. . . .yeah, right. Strict budget means don't look at tempting things to buy. These days that means fabric. Not that I'm sewing a lot. Nor even a little. But, my little makeshift sewing nook is still set up in the living room. Both the Mama and the Husband don't seem to care that I haven't been near it since I sewed the apron, a birthday gift for one of my gal pals. They—the Mama and the Husband—tolerate my madness so well. So do my gal pals, for that matter.

But fabric. Ahhhhhhhh. I love going up and down fabric aisles, pulling out bolts of color and of weird design. I also like looking at fabric online. I only allow myself to do that at Sew, Mama, Sew. (I just discovered its sewing tutorials. Oh-oh.)   

When I look at a piece of fabric that attracts, me, I sometimes can see what to make right away. For instance, I bought a couple yards of a muted green print with ukuleles here and there, and thought about making a birthday tunic for the Husband. Other times I just get a vague feeling that translates to I really must buy this fabric. An example of that is the one yard of a white and black chrysanthemum-type flower print. When I showed it to the Mama, she immediately said, "Hmmm, a blouse." So, of course, I immediately thought, A birthday blouse for the Mama

There. Two sewing projects to complete before the summer is up. But first that means I need to find—and buy—patterns. Ooooh, patterns.  Where's my piggy bank?


  1. I have a rather large box under the bed full of just such sorts of fabrics ... and I'm prone to making patches for the repairing of rents in bright contrasting colours, hence the necessity of many pieces of brightly patterned, and coloured, cloth!

  2. "Brightly Patterned, and Coloured, Cloth" makes a great title for something, widdershins. :-)


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