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The Mama's Rose Bush

"Take a photo of the pink roses before I clip them," said the Mama, as I was cleaning Molly the Cat's litter box.

She—the Mama—rarely asks me to take a picture of anything, especially of her works of wonder.

"Take it so you can see the apple tree," the Mama said, showing with her hands the angle she wanted me to shoot the photo. She was sitting in the living room.

I love it when the Mama gets artistic on me. That, too, is rare these days. That is, except for her gardening. 

The Mama is one of those people with a green thumb. She can clip a rose branch, stick it in the ground, and most of the time it grows into yet another beautiful rose bush.

The rose bush in the photo was once upon a time a small pot of roses that was bought at a grocery store. I don't remember how long ago, but I do recall she didn't really care for that kind of rose at the time. But, the Mama being Mama, rarely throws a gift plant away.

By the way, that is not the apple tree behind the rose bush. This was my best shot. That tree behind the rose bush is a mimosa tree. I call it a miracle tree. The Mama planted four seeds and that's the result. Don't let the bareness of that tree fool you. It'll be full in a few weeks. Every fall, we cut it back because it gets so huge.

© 2012 Su-sieee! Mac. All rights reserved.


  1. Beautiful. The Mama does have the blessed green thumb. Probably good dirt too. My new dirt need lots of attention. Loved your expression... A rainbow of dirt.

  2. We can expect photos of the mimosa then?

  3. Hi, Manzi, actually her topsoil is rather stripped of nutrients, after 20 years of gardening. The husband and I do our best to work in compost and new soil before she starts sowing her seeds.

    Widdershins, you can count on it.


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