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T is for the 23rd

Today's letter is T.
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As some of you dear readers know, on the 23rd of each month, the husband and I run away from home and office to become tourists, adventurers, and slackers for the moment. For February's special date, we headed over to Point Lobos State Natural Reserve on the Monterey Peninsula, just south of Carmel by the Sea. Neither of us had ever been there.

We saw quite a lot in the two short hikes that we did.  I took 90 photos, more or less. No, no. Don't groan or gasp. I'm not going to post them all. Only a few. Just to tease you. If you ever make it to Monterey, you'll have to go see Pt. Lobos for yourself. It's well worth it.

Pt. Lobos was established to protect
the Monterey Cypress trees.

Pt. Lobos is one of the only
two cypress tree reserves in the world.

See how flat they get.
The husband says it's because of the wind.

This little fellow sat patiently
for his photo to be taken.

It wasn't till I looked at this photo that I saw
the elephant seal on the rock.
I was too busy watching
an otter swimming just below that rock.

Kelp or mermaids on the beach?

The water was so green and clear here.
If only it was warm enough to swim in.

Diving is permitted at a couple of coves in the reserve.
I've read that Point Lobos is one of the best places in California
to see underwater nature.

For  info about Pt. Lobos, check out these two web sites:
Point Lobos Foundation
Point Lobos State Natural Reserve


  1. What an excellent ritual to escape every 23rd! This is one trip I'd have to take again and again...

  2. Beautiful. Maybe one of these days I'll make it that far west!

  3. Pt. Lobos is gorgeous, isn't it? Our elementary school always went there on field trips, and the kids loved it!


  4. What a wonderful place to explore and escape too.

  5. 90 shots is nothing, especially when you have scenery like that to work with.

  6. Awesome shots! What a beautiful place! I can see why you ecscape there! Anywhere near water is always relaxing!

  7. that looks like such a wonderful place to explore!

  8. Beautiful.I used to live in Monterey. I loved it there. The one pic of sea kelp or mermaids reminds me of a dragon washed ashore. Lovely post!~Ames

  9. It's been wonderful for me, this past 35 years, living in San Mateo County ( and working in San Fancisco until the loss of my forensic nursing job 2 years ago in massive budget cuts). Being so close to Tahoe, Napa, Carmel, and other wonderful places has given me the opportunity to experience s much. I really enjoy the Monterey Peninsula.

  10. Theresa, most definitely. We visited two parts of the reserve and they were so different from each other.

    Diane, I think you might enjoy it.

    Sue, there must be hundreds of kids who have wonderful memories of their field trip. Now that's a field trip!

    JDaniel4's Mom, you said it.

    Alice, :-)

    ryoko861, The point is protected by lots of rocks. I suppose if I was a youngster, I would swim in that water.

    Jo, I don't know why it took me so long to check it out. well at least I have and now I'm ready to go back.

    Ames, thank you.

    Carmen, parts of the reserve reminded me of Fitzgerald Reserve by Half Moon Bay. Hope you're search for a new home is doing well.

  11. What a great thing to do. Wonderful pictures. Looks like you had fun.

  12. Yikes! That water is freezing! But your photos are warm and inviting!!!!

  13. amazing shots..

    Greetings, Happy Firday! Blessings…

    Friendship Awards, Enjoy!
    Thanks for the support, You Rock!

  14. Beautiful place. My son is stationed in San Fransisco with the USCG and I hope to get out there to visit him at some point.

  15. great pictures
    i think they were mermaids not kelp
    and the flat trees...stunning

  16. What a terrific little mini-vacation you took us on here.

    Point Lobo's looks like a wonderful place to visit and enjoy nature and the outdoors.

    Thank you for letting us tag along today.

    And thanks for linking.


  17. Oh Hubs and I love this area! Enjoyed it many times!


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