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Skywatch Friday: West vs. East

Earlier this week, I stood beside my car and took a shot of the evening sky to the west. Then I turned and took one of the sky to the east. How amazing the difference was! At least, to me.

To the West

To the East

To see sky views from around the world, check out Skywatch Friday.


  1. You're getting to be an award-winning shutterbug with that camera of yours. And you love photography, too. Hope you and family had the greatest Thanksgiving. Some traditional food and some of those wonderful family recipies. I suppose this weekend you're out "jock'n" it off, running in your little blue sneakers.
    Until later... Manzi

  2. You must live in a great place where you can see the sunrise and the sunset!

  3. both are beautiful views. i do the same thing. i look at the west and see the magnificent colors and can't help but swing around and see the lovely complement the east sky usually has.

  4. Manzi, thank you. :-) You crack me up with your image of me "jock'n" about. We did get on our bicycles to run errands. :-)

    Helen, I've never thought of our little valley like that before. I appreciate it much more. Thank you!

    Ed, what I find interesting is why the eastern sky isn't darker than the western one at sunset when it's already night further east.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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