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My First Summer Craft!

See the teacup bird feeder.

See how cute it is.

I made it. 

That's right. I made it. It's one of the three crafty things I said I'd  make this summer. Yay!

In fact, dear readers, I made three of them. Yes, three! Big time.

One for me. And two for Kathy, my friend since elementary school. I warned her that for her birthday, I was presenting her with a white elephant. He-he.

Making the feeders was easy. Not like I thought it would be when I tried to visualize doing the instructions. Lesson to me, once again: Don't let unfamiliar instructions overwhelm me. Just do it.

Click here for are the instructions by Little Birdie Secrets. I modified the instructions with each teacup to fit the directions for the glue I used as well as what made more sense to me. The results were fine. They passed the once-over from Kathy's husband who is an engineer. And let me tell you he gave it quite a pondering over I was starting to get nervous. Pshew.

The smartest thing I did during the construction process was to wear purple gloves. Otherwise that bit of purple glove that got stuck to the bottom of a saucer would've been my skin.  Again, pshew.

Will I make more? You can count on it. The next one will be a larger plate so that more than one bird can feast at a time. I also want to find other materials for the base.  Crafty Gardener has some interesting ideas at her blog.  Take a look at this page, if you're interested.

The seemingly floating  teacup feeders.

P.S. This is much later. I thought I'd check out some linky parties and joined in at Sugar Bee and All Thingz Related. Check 'em out, yourself. Lots of good handcrafting going on.

P.P.S. Today, Thursday, I joined the link party at Somewhat Special. These link parties are fun. Try 'em sometime, if you haven't.

All Thingz Related



  1. You did great and I love them!
    Thanks so much for sharing @ Anything Related!

  2. I LOVE the teacup bird feeder!! Such a cute idea :]

  3. Those are adorable! Great job!

  4. Thank you, All Thingz Related, Mandy, and Carrie. It was fun making them. :-)

  5. I have made one of these myself...yours is adorable, and the birds like them too.

  6. Thanks for stopping by, Debbie. The sparrows have finally found the cup. Need to make sure, since only one sparrow gets to feast at at time. :-)

    To all you other sweet gals who stopped by before today: I switched over to a domain URL and in so doing the comments before today went missing. Bummer! Supposedly, your comments will come back. I surely hope so!

  7. really cute, I have made a few bird feeders but never thought about this one. great job.. Debb

  8. Thanks, Debb. I'm trying to find a glue that will keep them together longer than a few months. Otherwise, I'd go crazy making them.


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