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Announcing My First Squidoo Lens

Hmmm. I just noticed that Tuesday was the last day I posted. How time flies when you're having fun. And fun was what I was having the past few days as I slowly figured out how to create a lens (or page) at

Yep. I've become a lensmaster, at least I think that's what I'm called. Today, I published my first lens about Hollister California, my hometown. I invite you to take a look-see. I double-dare you. :-)  Here's the link: Hollister California—The City That Is!

If you're a creative type and want to try your hand at making a bit of cash on the Internet, take a look around Squidoo. It's all passive earning though. You receive  a certain percentage from advertisements that visitors click on your lens. Signing up for a Squidoo account is free.

Last week, after much research, I finally decided to try my hand at writing for content mills. Squidoo is my first experiment. We shall see how it goes.


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