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My Thursday

1) I finally put this plant, a cousin of the bird of paradise, in the ground. I stuck it in a pot with the bottom ripped out so the roots will have access as it, hopefully, grows.

2) Of course I had to paint the pot before I put the plant in it.

3) The tyrannosaurus rex asked to be more colorful. 

4) I dug out two wilting geranium plants that used to hang out behind the plant. They’re now sitting in a bucket of water to be planted elsewhere.

5) A brown butterfly flitted and rested around the Jupiter’s beard flowers, slurping at each stop.

6) A hummingbird drank from the geranium blossoms. I think it was an Anna’s hummingbird.

7) A blue jay tried very hard to crack open a nut. 

8) The neighbor behind us told me that possums hang out in our yard late at night. They’re quite active, she said. At least they’re not rats, I said. Thank goodness.

9) It’s day two of the Husband’s cold. Poor guy. I’m willing myself to not catch it. I have a rag and a bottle of rubbing alcohol handy to rub off any surface I need to touch. 

10) Are the Three Musketeers the three main types of logic—ethos, pathos, and logos?

11) I found this poem in one of my notebooks: My lips parted. /Oops, I farted. /The Husband darted.

12) 48 days to knee surgery. Gulp.

13) I finished this post. Cheers, Everyone!

I’m hanging out at Thursday 13 and Art for Fun Friday . Come join me.


  1. Have you heard of that artist that paints on people: Alexa Meade. Check her out. I was looking at something yesterday where an artist paints on dresses. You are a dinosaur painter. I just got lost learning about Ethos, Pathos and Logos.

    1. I’ll check out Alexa Meade, thank you much. There’s another dinosaur in the yard roaring it wants color, too. I must oblige soon, lol.

  2. LOL so much fun in your post today. Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  3. Oh I like how you colored your plant pot and added the triceratops too. It sounds like you had lots of excitement, except I hope you don't catch your husband's cold. That wouldn't be fun. Everyone I know that has knee surgery are glad afterwards that they did it. Good luck. Have a wonderful weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Knock on wood, I don’t get his cold. One more day, I think, for the danger to be over. Good to hear positivity about the aftermath of knee surgery. So far I’ve been hearing the horror of recovery. Lots of pain, people say. I’m a wuss, but I’m determined to get through it.

  4. I love the idea of the bottomless pot. And it’s a beautiful pot! Such a flamboyant T-Rex. But if he had feathers, maybe T-Rex was as pretty as peacock.


    1. Thanks, Michelle. T-rex is happy with his new look, lol.

  5. Very creative dinosaur and plant pot painted ~ great for Art for Fun and fun post too. Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Of course the pot needed painting. It seems like everyone's getting sick lately. I'm keeping my mask on at school, but I'm still cringing every time I hear someone cough. Oh, the coughs do not sound good.

  7. awesome list my friend. Gosh I miss emailing you! Won't you consider putting your 13 lists on I Like again?
    laughing, at least they're not rats
    thinking, three musketeer logic

    1. Hey, LeeAnna! Earlier this year, the neighbor thought they were rats and I went crazy pruning branches back from the fence, wrapping aluminum around tree trunks, and sprinkling hot red pepper around trees. At least it got me clearing the overgrowth.

  8. there is a beast in your garden. Be aware!

  9. Oh this is delightful! Keep enjoying and don't give that knee surgery a second thought. Everybody's had it and they're happy they did. You'll be back to running in the field soon. Have a beautiful weekend!

    1. I appreciate the encouragement, Cloudia. It took me 6 years to get in the frame of mind to do it. I am ready!


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