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Did I Tell You that Our Molly Talks?

The Husband I have taken to conversing with Molly the Cat, responding as her in what we each imagine is her sweet, cute high-pitched voice.

"You don't like your food," one of us humans says.

"No," says Molly the Cat.

"We try to find something you would like to eat."


"You used to eat it."

"Then you haven't found what I like to eat."

I'm sure that if she wasn't so polite, Molly would've added "have you?"


  1. Replies
    1. Purrrrrrrrr, says Molly with hearts in her eyes.

  2. Thank you Susie for your last 2 comments! For a week I was hardly on my blog, since I had guests from Holland for 4 days.
    I like that "Talking Stories" icon - and I thought if you have the icon from the web - you are so creative, you could make a drawing yourself to make an icon with another title, and make it your blog ID:) If you're at a loss, I'll help if you ask me:)

    1. Hi, Jesh. Yup, that is my drawing. I did it a few years ago. I like your idea about maybe making it my blog ID.

  3. My dog would get tired of the same thing. She used to go crazy for canned food until she got used to it and let it dry out.

    1. Sometimes I can place her plate next to an open window, or bring it outside, and she'll eat it then. She looks at me beforehand, as if saying, "You think I don't know this is the same food.Sigh."

  4. You've both captured the 'Voice of Molly' purrrfectly. :)

    1. But, have we captured what she's really thinking or saying? lol

    2. The true thoughts of cats are unfathomable to their staffpersons.

  5. Of my three cats only Arthur talks ! and he talks a lot when you speak with him you always get an answer in all variations of meows ! High, deep, very deep, loud, very loud etc ! We never ran out of conversation !

  6. Molly is so cute and reminds me of our one cat, Lucy, who puts a new slant on the word, picky. She lets us know when the food just won’t do.

    1. There are times I put two different cans of food before her and ask her to choose. Never works.


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