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Mama’s Tree

 “I like those red trees,” said Mama more than once when she saw crape myrtle trees in bloom.  Then she would imagine the mess the dried blooms and leaves on her lawn. Shudder.  Mama liked a neat yard. She picked up leaves everyday in the back because of all the fruit trees. I understand now why she did. Pincher bugs didn’t dare show their faces in Mama’s domain. Those bugs fear me not. I’ll control them yet. Last year the local high school, where I graduated, had a buy-a-crape-myrtle-tree-to-honor-someone fundraiser. Mama got her tree, by golly! And, I don’t have to clean up after it. Mama would’ve liked that.  The high school campus is fenced and locked during non-school hours so we may not ever see the tree. The school kindly sent the above photo of Mama’s tree. I believe Mama’s spirit is tickled pink that she has a plaque on the high school campus. I can see her smile. Sharing with Mosaic Monday . Come along and visit. . . .

Junie B. Jones

The prompt for Friday Writings , at Poets and Storytellers United,  was inspiration from beloved books.  Junie B. Jones was a character, and series,     created by the late Barbara Park, a children’s book author. Readers were introduced to this lively, rambunctious, imaginative, creative, delightful going-on-six kindergartner in 1992. Before Ms. Parks’ spirit soared into the Universe, she had written 32 Junie B. Jones adventures. I learned today that the series was on the American Library Association’s list of 100 banned and challenged books throughout the 20-oughts because Junie B. spoke like a regular kid with bad grammar and spelling. Bah, humbug. (Update: Thanks to Magaly, I double-checked myself and found I misunderstood. The ALA does not ban books, but creates lists of books that people ban to keep us, the public, informed. So, I take that back. I am not all disappointed with the ALA. My mother-in-law’s spirit is most likely relieved.) I was in my 40s when I came across Junie B.

Word Association

H-O-T! It’s best not to know the temperature when it’s crazily hot. Thankfully, we’ve only had to deal with the heat for the last two days this time round. I wonder if it feels hotter because we’re in a drought. Such is life. Today’s  Sunday Stealing  is  a word association. I like those games. So, she said and I thought… Hurry!:: Go Dumb:: Stupid Fudge:: cannabis Sturdy:: plunky Printing:: book Itch:: damn eczema Creaks:: Ghost Paste:: yummy pasta Waste of time:: Republicans Let down:: Republicans Cancellation: evangelical christians Suspect:: righteousness Fireplace:: heart Spring:: hope Commute:: Angry drivers Places:: travel Fraud:: Republicans Adoption:: Love Election:: Determination Moving Day:: Exhausted Want to play or see how others responded? Head over to  Sunday Stealing .

Hello, Monday Mosaic!

Hello, Angie and Mosaic Monday ! I’m so very happy to be hooking up this week. It’s been a very long time.  In April last year, my words went on vacation, to put it nicely. I’d draft things in my mind only to be abandoned, erased, or deleted on paper or on the iPad. Such was the way things went until this past February.  Doesn’t that gopher look like it’s smiling at the camera? The Husband and I were trudging along a trail of some sorts when we saw this gopher pop in, pop out of his hole repeatedly. Maybe it was waiting for us to go by. It was quite healthy. We were down by the high school so it must come across a variety of leftovers on campus.   Fortunate for me, I had my camera. I don’t carry it with me much because the lens has several water spots on it. It’s good for me to be without a camera to my face (click, click, click) more often.  It turned out that the oldest photos in the camera were from a local free outdoor concert the Husband and I went to last September. A gorgeous su

A Fortunate One

Every day I’m getting a hang of being older. Other than paying bills and returning library books on time, any deadlines are self-imposed. Lucky me. May I not find out otherwise. Golden Days Wake up.  Play.  Eat.  Play.  Eat.  Play.  Sleep. Repeat.  -30- I’m participating in Fridays Writings   at Poets and Storytellers United . The prompt this week is small rituals and daily routines. 

A June Calendar

This year I’m making collages for our monthly calendars. June is all about the Husband, being his birthday is in June.  About 20 years ago, a friend gifted the Husband with a six pack of Dick’s Pale Ale. When she saw it in Oregon, she said she had to get it for the Husband. I agree the little boy could’ve been the Husband long ago, and yes, that’s the Husband’s name. By the way the cute doodles were drawn by the Husband, and that’s the Husband’s dad’s photo pasted onto the tractor driver.  Sharing the joy with Gillena’s Art Fun Friday . Please, take a look at Gillena’s and other participants’ artwork. 


1. Nobody wants to hear about mass shootings. La la la la la la. 2. I’m rambling and researching about the subject as I write. So thankful, I am, for the Internet. It would be so easy for me to be a recluse, a hermit, an eccentric, a looney tune. Thank goodness for the Husband! Though, it would be easy for him, too. See, rambles. 3. Guns don’t kill, grump some gun owners. I suppose those people merely have guns for display behind beautiful etched glass doors. “Ooh, isn’t that the cutest gun,” I could say if I was shown such a private display. May that not ever be. 4. “Bah! I’ve got my rights to own guns. Says so in the Constitution, you libtard, Nazi, socialist, communist hussy.” That’s what I imagine some grump, hand on firearm of choice, could shout at me. At my senior age, I may not mind being called a hussy. There goes yon hussy. Waddle, waddle, venture I.  5. The imaginary grump can thank the late Justice Scalia for re-interpreting the Second Amendment to make possession of a fire