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Mssr. Monsieur

Meet Mssr. Monsieur.  He revealed himself last night. His story?  Mssr. says all we need to know is that he likes turtlenecks and monochrome outfits. And, some time ago, his passion was tippy-toeing the tightrope and dancing the limbo. Sometimes at the same time.  Mssr. Monsieur agrees to tell us more should he come this way again. 

A Happy Snoozy Molly

If Missy Molly the pinky-nosed (wilde) Cat wasn't on that part of the couch at that particular moment, that would've been me snoring with the TV on.  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

Saliva Rosmarinus

The rosemary in the front yard is in bloom. Delightful! This is the second winter that I've noticed the rosemary plants in full flower. If I'm remembering correctly, the plants didn't bloom in the winter when they were under Mama's care. I wonder if I've thrown their blooming cycle out of whack because I don't trim nor prune them as often or as short as Mama did. Not that it matters. The rosemary plants can bloom anytime they want. The bees and hummingbirds are enjoying the flowers as much as we are.  Hello Mosaic Monday !  

Joyful Rain

 See the white streaks in the photo? They aren't scratches.  That's rain! Our first rain of the winter, and if the weather guys are correct, we'll be enjoying rain off and on for the next week. Whoooo-hooooo! 

13 O's

Yesterday was a multiple orgasmic day. Orgasm. Now that's a term I wouldn't have ever associated with a presidential inauguration, the federal government, or executive orders. But, it certainly was. More than 13. This being the day for Thursday Thirteen , I give you only my top 13 O's. Joe Biden sworn in as President of the United States! Kamala Harris sworn in as Vice President of the United States! Lady Gaga singing a heart-felt The Star Spangled Banner . President Joe Biden's inaugural speech . "...This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge, and unity is the path forward. And, we must meet this moment as the United States of America. If we do that, I guarantee you, we will not fail. We have never, ever, ever failed in America when we have acted together. And so today, at this time and in this place, let us start afresh. All of us...." And, then there's Vice President's remarks at the Celebration of America. She describes "American Asp

Soaring in Joy

Whoooooooooooooooo-hoooooooooooooo! I'm singing. I'm dancing. Cheers to President Joe!  Cheers to VP Kamala!  Cheers to One and All!

A Birthday Painting

I like to do things on my birthday to set up my new year. For instance, one year, I made sure to go swim laps. And, did I swim laps that year? Yep.  For my 67th birthday, which was in December, I set up a tabletop easel on a TV tray table in our office where the afternoon lighting is the best to paint. So I did. I painted this imaginary scene on cardboard with acrylic paints.  Cheers!