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13 O's

Yesterday was a multiple orgasmic day. Orgasm. Now that's a term I wouldn't have ever associated with a presidential inauguration, the federal government, or executive orders. But, it certainly was. More than 13. This being the day for Thursday Thirteen , I give you only my top 13 O's. Joe Biden sworn in as President of the United States! Kamala Harris sworn in as Vice President of the United States! Lady Gaga singing a heart-felt The Star Spangled Banner . President Joe Biden's inaugural speech . "...This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge, and unity is the path forward. And, we must meet this moment as the United States of America. If we do that, I guarantee you, we will not fail. We have never, ever, ever failed in America when we have acted together. And so today, at this time and in this place, let us start afresh. All of us...." And, then there's Vice President's remarks at the Celebration of America. She describes "American Asp

Soaring in Joy

Whoooooooooooooooo-hoooooooooooooo! I'm singing. I'm dancing. Cheers to President Joe!  Cheers to VP Kamala!  Cheers to One and All!

A Birthday Painting

I like to do things on my birthday to set up my new year. For instance, one year, I made sure to go swim laps. And, did I swim laps that year? Yep.  For my 67th birthday, which was in December, I set up a tabletop easel on a TV tray table in our office where the afternoon lighting is the best to paint. So I did. I painted this imaginary scene on cardboard with acrylic paints.  Cheers!

Love Makes the World Go Round

  “Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love.”  ~ Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Good cheer, Friends, One and All!   It's time for Mosaic Monday . Thanks to hostess Angie of Letting Go of the Bay Leaf .

Let the Light Shine

I'm grateful we have level-headed, compassionate, responsible, and experienced individuals leading our country again. President-Elect Joe Biden and VP-Elect Kamala Harris are already at work cleaning up after the sulking twice impeached dictator wannabe. Thank you!

13 Projects

Sow wildflower seeds before the rain comes. (Hopefully we get rain this winter.) Prune the fruit trees. Make a paper mache elephant. Weave a seat and back for a patio chair. We have several old sturdy metal frame patio chairs that the Husband inherited. Alas, most of the plastic straps on the chairs are broken or about to break. I've got loads of material, so why not see if I can weave something stable and safe to sit on.  Finish this wall hanging. See that big floral piece. I visualize a forest. The Husband says it reminds him of a panty. hahahahaha. Scan Mama's photo albums. Reorganize the kitchen cabinets so I don't need to either get the ladder or call for the Husband to reach up high for something. Clear out unnecessary files and folders in my computer. Make an estate plan. Sew a vest for the Husband. I bought the material for the vest at least 5 years ago. It's simply finding a simple pattern for me to follow. Sew a tunic for me. Get my blood pressure down so


While traipsing through the backyard early one morning last week I came across first-time visitors. Mushrooms! Mama would've harvested them. She would've thrown a quarter into the stewing mushroom pot, and if the quarter didn't turn black, then she would've eaten them. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a scientific basis behind the coin changing color to signify mushrooms are poisonous. When I was a kid, I ate the mushrooms my parents gathered on the oaks and sycamores along a certain creek in the hills right after good winter rain. They were tasty but kind of slimy, what the Husband might say in jest, "Awful mouthfeel." Daddy taught me which mushrooms to look for and where to find them, but I could never trust my judgment so I mostly held empty buckets and carried full ones back to the car. I love those times.