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Day 11 with Tilda-Hilda

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooowwwwwwwwwwllll...cough, cough.

The dinosaur was rather rusty. He didn't scare Tilda-Hilda and me. He and his friends hang out by the road north of town until it's time to slink off into the Swank Farms' intricate corn maze in October.

Tilda-Hilda and I had a good ride this morning. It was mostly flat (for once), but the wind was against us half the way. We pedaled and sweated about 12 miles in 65 minutes. Hurrah!

Until the next time.


  1. well, I don´t want to meet with that one when it darkens :)

  2. That is actually a pretty good sculpture. i thik it would be freaky to see in the middle of the night. Love your drawing:)

    1. Thank you, kindly, Ms. B. He was one of the friendlier dinosaurs. The one with the tiny forearms has a wicked sneer.

  3. Susie,

    I've been enjoying your bike rides. There seem to be lots of interesting things to see as you cycle along. We haven't got a big dinosaur near us, but not too far away, there is a huge potato!

    1. Oooh, I want to see that huge potato, Sue. I'm already imagining the eyes on it. Would it make Mr. Potatohead jealous?

  4. Oh how neat- a dino! Looks like you had a beautiful blue sky on your ride.

    1. The fog was heading back west. The day ended being muggy and hot. Very strange for us. Kept hoping it would rain.

  5. Replies
    1. You say the perfect things, Widders. There are 4 Corn Dragons. Or, are there five? Maybe I'll have Tilda-Hilda pose with each one.


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