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Playing in the Kitchen

I made some yumminess for breakfast this morning—cinnamon blueberry biscuits and apple-persimmon compote. Both were made with what was on hand and because I didn't measure precise amounts, we shall not ever taste this exact delightfulness again.

The biscuits were made by crumbling three tablespoons butter in three big spoonfuls of unbleached white flour, a good enough shake from the baking powder tin, and a nice dose of cinnamon. To that, I added honey yogurt (almost two weeks beyond the purchase date) and probably half-a-cup of dried blueberries. I squirted icy water from the dispenser on the fridge door to get the dough to combine, which yielded seven big drop biscuits. They baked for about 15 minutes at 400 degrees.

The compote may not really be a compote because I didn't make it with some kind of syrup. If I wanted to make a pie, which I might, the concoction would be a delicious filling. Five small somewhat shriveled apples and six small slightly mushy persimmons got chopped into a pot, to which I added a pat of butter, juice from half a lemon, and what was left in the bottle of pear juice, maybe two to three ounces. Everything got cooked for about as long as it took me to go outside and harvest a few lemons, a couple of avocados, and the last of the cherry tomatoes. Also to bring in Molly who was just starting to snooze on her favorite pillow on the bench. She didn't like me doing that. Altogether, about 20 minutes for the compote that may not be a compote.

There are leftovers for another breakfast or maybe a dessert treat later this week. Hurrah!


  1. They both sound delicious and I love your drawing which goes well with your writing

    1. Thanks, Birgit. The drawing is an older piece. I love how they came together.

  2. Wonderful ! Your story sounds like the perfect start . . or ending, to a wonderful day!

    1. Thanks, Diane. Yesterday, the yummies started and ended our day. :-)

  3. I cook like that too sometimes ... they're the best kind of recipes. :)

    1. They certainly are. I added the compote to a scone recipe today. Delicious!


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