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A Fortunate One

Every day I’m getting a hang of being older. Other than paying bills and returning library books on time, any deadlines are self-imposed. Lucky me. May I not find out otherwise. Golden Days Wake up.  Play.  Eat.  Play.  Eat.  Play.  Sleep. Repeat.  -30- I’m participating in Fridays Writings   at Poets and Storytellers United . The prompt this week is small rituals and daily routines. 

A June Calendar

This year I’m making collages for our monthly calendars. June is all about the Husband, being his birthday is in June.  About 20 years ago, a friend gifted the Husband with a six pack of Dick’s Pale Ale. When she saw it in Oregon, she said she had to get it for the Husband. I agree the little boy could’ve been the Husband long ago, and yes, that’s the Husband’s name. By the way the cute doodles were drawn by the Husband, and that’s the Husband’s dad’s photo pasted onto the tractor driver.  Sharing the joy with Gillena’s Art Fun Friday . Please, take a look at Gillena’s and other participants’ artwork. 


1. Nobody wants to hear about mass shootings. La la la la la la. 2. I’m rambling and researching about the subject as I write. So thankful, I am, for the Internet. It would be so easy for me to be a recluse, a hermit, an eccentric, a looney tune. Thank goodness for the Husband! Though, it would be easy for him, too. See, rambles. 3. Guns don’t kill, grump some gun owners. I suppose those people merely have guns for display behind beautiful etched glass doors. “Ooh, isn’t that the cutest gun,” I could say if I was shown such a private display. May that not ever be. 4. “Bah! I’ve got my rights to own guns. Says so in the Constitution, you libtard, Nazi, socialist, communist hussy.” That’s what I imagine some grump, hand on firearm of choice, could shout at me. At my senior age, I may not mind being called a hussy. There goes yon hussy. Waddle, waddle, venture I.  5. The imaginary grump can thank the late Justice Scalia for re-interpreting the Second Amendment to make possession of a fire

Unconditional Love

Missy Molly by Golly, the pinky-nosed (wilde) Cat, has moved on to new adventures soaring through the Universe. I like to think that Molly’s Spirit reunited with Mama’s and it’s all a tumble of joy. Cheers to sweet Molly! Thank you, my girl,  for gracing our lives with unconditional love.  I’m taking part in  Art for Fun Friday  at Lunch Break. Click here  to check out hostess Gillena and the other participants. 

At Wits’ End

The past few weeks I’ve been participating in Friday Writings  at  Poets and Storytellers United ,  who are a friendly group of creative writers. Taking part has reintroduced me to that writer long ago who wrote poetry and stories. Why did I feel like it was gone, no more, I was done? Haha, silly me.  This week’s prompt for Friday Writings  is a thinker. I thought I would pass but thinking about it is helping distract me from stressing out. Who would’ve thought? Here’s the prompt:  Be witness to these times we are living in and how it feels to be living in them. How does it affect you and/or how do you observe it affecting others? how does it affect me? today no different than forever smelling in the background, that aroma of fear, restless  eager and ready to be manipulated by the greedy.  how does it affect    me? these eyes haven’t changed these features only older this skin may be less darker still a potential target in those fearful minds brainwashed by the greedy. how does it aff

His & Hers Cavities

Yesterday afternoon I began writing this post to share with Thursday 13 , but interruptions and distractions kept me from finishing. So, here I am this morning to try again. Just pretend this is yesterday. 1. I didn’t think I would write today. Then, the Husband and I went to the dentist for cavity work.  2. At our teeth cleaning, the dentist found we each had a cavity. Another first for us: his and hers cavities. 3.  Our dentist is a very cool guy. He plays in a band called the Sake Bombs. Old rock and roll.     That’s cool, but even cooler is he had us come in at the same time for the cavity work. 4. Dr. R&R has two stations dedicated for dental work other than cleaning . I got the corner one with all the windows to the busyness of passing everything and everyone. It was nice to look out a window and see something else, even if was waiting for decay to be drilled out of a back molar and the hole refilled. Is all decay the color black? Can it be gold or white?  5.  Dr. R&R wor

Cycle of Life

 What a morning it has been!  We dropped Missy Molly the pinky-nosed (wilde) Cat at the veterinarian’s office. She’s not her curious self at all. She’s hungry but nothing appeals to her, and she wanders only to find a more comfortable spot to lay down. Her stomach is bloated. Poor baby.  The Husband and I miss Molly. The house feels different without her, a presence missing. Hopefully the doctor will give us positive news.